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It’s almost March, can you believe it! Wow, this year is flying by. The beginning of the month means it is time for our monthly Provisions Prep Day, are you ready? We will be cooking along with Money Saving Mom and Fish Mama on their Freezer Cooking Day or also called Once A Month Cooking. But, basically the goal is to get some things prepared, cooked up or put into the freezer to make the next few weeks a little easier on you. In full disclosure, my prep time will probably be scattered throughout the week because we have a lot going on, my son’s birthday and a MOPS workshop out of town. I am going to have to be creative in getting my prep done, but I will work on my plan this weekend, hopefully to post it for you early Monday morning.
Crystal over at Money Saving Mom has put up a great post on how to plan a bulk cooking day. She has some great tips and ideas on how to make it run smooth.
So, what do you do to make your cooking days go smoothly? What ideas will you implement this month? Be sure to check back on Monday, I will have a linky up for you to post your plans and results.
Photo: Source Flickr, Steen’s