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I got this message from my husband while he was at Panera working the other day.
“As if a clean restaurant, a friendly staff who “gets” the customer, hassle free wi-fi and bottomless cups of coffee weren’t already cool, now this. When I activated my card, it loaded a free tea and free pastry.”
Panera has come out with a great new loyalty program called “My Panera“. You just pick up a card at the register while you are there, then go online to register it. The first time you use it after you register, you will get a free reward. My husband got a FREE tea and pastry!
You show the card each time you dine and the card’s rewards are tailored to your unique tastes! Which means you should receive FREEBIES and deals on your favorite Panera products.
Here is a list of things you can receive:
Only 7 states are participating in this! Unfortunately, Indiana isn’t one of them! Definitely letting my sister know who lives in Nashville!
Actually, Indiana does have it now
I went today and used my card for the first time and got a free pastry! It’s nice to get an unexpected surprise every once in a while!
It’s always nice to get free stuff, but lowering prices or giving stuff to people that simply go to the restaurant would go further to create customer loyalty.
I don’t need another card to carry around, and I certainly don’t need yet ANOTHER corporate entity using my personal information for their own gains.
Your name, address, email, and birthday will be sold to other companies that direct market to people and homes, and you’ll be getting more and more junk mail.
The last thing anyone needs is more exposure of our private info and buying patterns. And for me, personally, I don’t like being harassed by employees when all I want is my breakfast sandwich and a coffee. Some of them are fine, and they accept a simple “No thank you.” Others choose to go three rounds on why getting the card is so “Great!”. No means no … thank you.
Lighten up Frances
gee thanks
I agree with Hank. I don’t want dirty corporate types knowing what my breakfast sandwich preference is. Thats how communism started.
Funny… I can picture Lenin and the Bolsheviks huddled around a bakery oven in the wee hours of the morning plotting the overthrow of the czar whilst munching on croissants and spinach quiches.
Hank and Kevin:
Free is ok, negativity kills.
Just use your business address if your worried about corporate america and a fake birthday date.
I work for the company that is behind the MyPanera loyalty card and I can assure you that your personal information is not being sold to third parties. Our company’s core focus is being customer-first.
Paneras is the best. Dona is the best hostest also
Iam registered and my email and password are rejected so I can never find the rewards for current months. I will never register again spent money and am locked out.
Panera is always clean and comfortable sitting. Coffee is always fresh /good.
Looks like the rewards are starting to tail off. Received a $1 off pastry coupon after the last 3 lunch visits. This doesn’t bode well.
Doesn’t get any better…….. had 3 lunches there this week and received $1 off any beverage coupon. Might be time to roll this program up.