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This is a great deal at Office Depot! You can get 250 custom color address labels with a dispenser for only $.99 (plus tax) with FREE shipping!
Just create your labels and add them to your cart. When you check out, use code 854758859.
If you don’t need address labels for yourself right now, you can always use them for gift tags for birthday parties. When you customize the label, you’ll see lots of categories on the left side of the screen. There’s a “Kids Stuff” category, and in that, you’ll see two cute options–“Children and Balloons” and “Party Clown”. For the address, I’ll put something like:
Happy Birthday!
Your Friends,
Suzie and John
What ideas do you have for using these inexpensive labels?
Yikes! I was all excited about the .99 label deal. . .only to find the labels are $9.99. Perhaps Office Depot had a typo and resolved it?
Michelle – You have to use the code above at checkout for it to take the $9 off.
I just placed an order! At check out you can enter the coupon code. With tax for me it was $1.05!! What a great deal!
I think these would be great as:
From the Kitchen of ….
And put on your baked goods when you take a meal to someone….or when you take a treat to your child’s teachers, etc.
I am a Independent Distributor for Premier Designs Jewelry and these will make great labels to go on the back of my catalogs!
Thanks so much Kelly, you have saved my family sooo much money! Love & Blessings to you!
Their site is crashing. Ugh. I have tried 4x and called customer service, who said “keep trying…”
Finally got my order in…thanks!
Darn, it expired yesterday
I just tried to place an order, but it says the coupon expired 6/28.
Just went through 30 minutes of searching and editing for the perfect address labels (we just moved and need some badly), just to find out the code expired yesterday! Not worth $10!