Me and my little guy
I have this vision of what my quiet time should look like every day. Here is what I envision:
I’m sitting on my comfy couch in my den. It is the wee hours of the morning, still dark–the moon is still in the sky– and I’m reading by lamp light, with a creamy cup of joe (yes, my favorite Vanilla Latte) in hand. My Bible lies open on my lap. God will speak to me quite clearly. I will listen, and it will change my day. In perfect timing, just as my time with God comes to a close, my family will all begin to wake up. Then, the day will be perfect.
I don’t know about you, but that is a dream. I have had it happen like that…maybe once. But as a work-at-home, homeschooling mom of two children under the age of six, this is most often an impossibility. No matter how early I rise, someone is always up within minutes of my rising. And I am quite sure I am not the only one. Am I?
Let me share with you what my quiet time is actually like, not a pretty picture, and I am not proud of it.
Wake up later than I planned, sun is already up, and I am scrambling to get my coffee ready. With my Bible in hand, I creep through the house (so I don’t wake anyone up). Then, just when I am completely settled, and I have opened my Bible…someone pops around the corner with a big smile, saying “Good morning, Mommy!”
I am so ashamed to say, I don’t smile back, in fact I scowl, anger starts boiling up inside of me, and I am just plain irritated. Not only with my son, but with God. My internal conversation with God goes something like this…
“You say you want us to spend quiet time with You. Why didn’t You just let me have a few quiet moments with You before the day started? I really need it, more than anyone You know I need it. You know that, it is how You created me! It is what You request of me.”
I send my son back to his room using my stern and angry voice. He turns around and runs to his room crying, then begins to absolutely wail. Which, by the way, makes it quite impossible to focus. Turning to open my Bible, I try to concentrate, get into a quiet calm and start my “time with God.” hmm…What is wrong with this picture?
Do you know it took me quite a while to realize that God was giving me quiet time? It just wasn’t exactly what I had envisioned. Sometime after this episode repeated for a while, I felt God calling me to lighten up a bit. Imagine that?
To quit putting my quiet time with Him in a box, quit putting Him in a box.
Here is what my quiet time looks like now:
I sit down as before, Bible in hand, coffee ready, and my little man comes running in…just as I sit down. He looks at me from the door, beaming. “Good morning, Mommy!” he says, giving me the biggest, sweetest smile. Then he jumps in my lap and hugs me so tightly I can hardly breathe. Beside me he sits, holding his little Bible story book, as he looks at me and says, “Mommy, I am going to have quiet time with you!”
But this time…
I smile, tell him good morning, sit and read my Bible for a while (yes, a very short while), read him a story and pray with him for his day.
God gave me yet another opportunity for quiet time today. At naptime, we did something fun and special. I set him up to “camp out” for his nap time. We got a sleeping bag and his favorite animals on the floor, and he laid down to rest. Now, you must know that this is my work time. Typically when he goes down, my first impulse is to head to the computer and get some things crossed off my “to-do” list.
Today was different, like many other days, he again asked me to lie down with him. Already tired from being up the night before (he had been sick and throwing up all night) I “gave in” and cuddled in beside him. He grabbed my arm, pulled it over his side and held my hand. While we laid there, he turned over and looked me in the eyes and said “Mommy, I love you so much, I love snuggling with you!” Then he leaned over, and while we snuggled he kept lightly squeezing my fingers. Like he was letting me know again, “I love you.”
In that moment, I thought back to all the days he had asked me to lie down with him. Look what I had been missing! Instead of listening to what the Lord was trying to say to me, I was determined to do things the way I wanted to. I wasn’t trusting that He had authored my day. That all would be just as He had planned it. Not me.
Guess what? I still had time with my God that day. It was just a little different than I had planned.
In fact it was far better.
Better than I could have ever planned or imagined. Only God could author the sweet and special time I had.
I learned something.
God wanted me to model quiet time with Him for my son. Yes, He wants me to give Him my time, to be with Him, to talk to Him. But, it isn’t going to look like what I envision. In fact, it will look much better. He is giving me a special opportunity to minister to my sweet son, to not tell him about quiet time, but to show him how it looks.
I learned something else.
When I am in obedience with the Father, He also blesses me abundantly — far more than I will ever deserve. By my being open to change what my afternoon looked like, to get down and love on my son, I was greatly blessed. I had a memory I will never forget. I got to create a memory he will never forget.
God gave me the opportunity to do what He calls us all to do all throughout the Bible. The Greatest Commandment.
To love.
And then when I finally obeyed, boy, did I get to see His blessings.
What does your quiet time look like? What do you want it to look like? What does it actually look like? I would love to hear your thoughts on how you allow God to mold your time with Him.
Thank you! I really needed that today. I woke up very frustrated with my little one this morning too. It is so easy to do, but not how it should be.
I completely agree! I used to try to have my quiet time BEFORE my kids woke up and then I realized they never even knew I had a quiet time because they never saw it! Then I learned to excuse myself to another room (my kids are older). I had my alone time with God, not always uninterrupted, and my children saw me having time with God each morning! As you mentioned, it is important to model what a quiet time looks like with your kids!
Thank You for your daily encouragement!
Thank you for sharing from your heart. I was teary-eyed reading your post. Thanking God for the little moments…
Thank you for this! I needed to hear it
just think,if you hadnt changed you would have missed this and he will soon be grown and gone. you are teaching him about God and his quiet time. God bless
Loved this. Thank you!
I have experienced the exact same frustration and then disappointment in myself for getting mad at my little boy for interrupting my quiet time early in the morning. I tried having my quiet time in the afternoon during his nap, but this is the only alone time I get with my school aged daughter so that didn’t work either. I also found that I need my time with God first thing in the morning to get my day started off right. I now eat breakfast while I have my quiet time and my son watches his early morning TV shows. I used to think that “quiet time” had to be complete silence with just me and my bible, devotion book, and prayer journal. Now I realize that God wants time from me to spend in His word and in prayer with Him and He doesn’t care one bit that Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is blaring in the background. My house will be silent in about 14 years, which seems like a long time, but since I have been a parent now for almost 8 years, I know how quickly those years will go and I have a feeling I will be missing Mickey Mouse in the background during my quiet time.
WOW , I needed that today… God really spoke through this and also your reader who commented about Mickey Mouse in the background…I’ve been struggling wit this for months now. Thanks
Thank you for that post! I too, find myself getting frustrated and dare I say it, angry, when I can’t have my quiet time carved out like I planned, not realizing that God has a better plan than mine, if only I will listen and obey!
Blessings to you, Kelly!
Thanks so much for sharing this story – I think a lot of us struggle with things not going as planned and feeling guilty for taking it out on our kids at times. I know I do! This reminds me that I need to take a step back sometimes and stop “fighting the universe” as Deepak Chopra would say.
Your blog post is something straight out of one of my journals! I have learned that my ideal time with the Lord isn’t always going to be there. Instead, I have relied on praying in any quiet moment I can…in the shower, on a run or at a redlight. I have also realized that my daily bread may be my children’s flash card memory verses.
Thanks so much for this beautiful post! God has been teaching me some of the same, wonderful lessons!
For so long I was convinced my Quiet Time HAD to be in the morning! Then it hit me….where does it say that? I know there are scriptures that talk about morning, but anytime I can spend one on one with God is what He desires. My Quiet Time is now at 10 pm after my teenage children have gone to be and I’m waiting for hubby to get home. I love this time and really look forward to it.
Thanks for sharing this. I have the same “perfect” idea of my quiet time, but it NEVER happens that way. When I first got to the part of your son coming in to see you and you sent him back, before you said that you had realized this also, I thought, “Man, it is going to stay with that little boy and do so much good for him as he is older when he looks back and remembers waking up and seeing his mommy spending time with God in the Word and prayer.” Then I realized that this could be my story and kids as well! Thanks so much. I will def. be looking at interruptions in my quiet time in a different light now:)
You ladies have certainly blessed me!! My QT usually doesn’t happen the way I “think” it should. But there are several mornings where Mickey Mouse IS blaring and our daughter is snuggling next to me. I have the privilege to snuggle with our daughter at nap time and we love it! There will be a day when we won’t get to, so the house work, and chores can wait!!
I…we need to cut ourselves some slack because, I think, Christ is pleased when we commune with him with all facets of communication!
We are teaching our daughter “old” hymns and she is learning them! What a wonderful way to teach her God’s truth! And I know HE is pleased with that!!
I am reading “God speaks your love language” by Gary Chapman and God has opened my eyes to all the many different ways we can honor him in the way He speaks to us and vice-versa. Thank You, ladies for encouraging me!
I loved this posting Kelly, thank you! I’m a mom of two little ones and I also get frustrated when I have an interrupted quiet time, but your article reminded me to see God working in different ways than I’m expecting. Children are such a blessing and you reminded me to treasure every moment! Thank you and God bless you and your family!
I’m a mom of four daughters that are now 22, 20, 15, amd 13. When they were little boy did my quiet time look very different than it does today! We did a lot singing, reading, playing, praying and resting together…I didn’t realize it then but I was modeling for them what time alone with God looked like. I’m a blessed momma with four beautiful God loving girls! I love getting up early and having my time for sure, but knowing that He has my whole day and not just a few minutes each morning is key for me. When you young moms get frustrated and I’ve been there, remember they are only little for a short time! Teach them each chance you get. Happy parenting.
Thank you for sharing from the heart what I thought no one else would understand. Quiet time with 2 kids under 2 is impossible my way. I will start looking for His ways, they are always better to begin with
Kelly, I feel like this post is speaking directly to ME…thanks for the encouragement!
Wow! Did i need this! I have always struggled to find the “perfect” quiet time so much so that it almost never happens. I always thought when I got up early to work, “When God finally blesses us with babies and I can stay home, I will have SO MUCH time!” HaHA! Currently I have a 1 year old and one on the way and I have anything but time. My hubby works swing shift and sleeps late and gets home late. I am an old lady in a young body (I’d love to be in bed by 9PM) but to spend time with him I find myself up late. So I kinda burn both ends of myself only to wind up tired, frustrated and hardly enjoying my station in life. I know I so desperately need QT but Don’t know how/where to fit it in. I hate to give God less than my best and reading a verse or two and mumbling out a quick prayer is hardly my best. Any suggestions? Thanks for writing this and hearing me out!
Hi! I have my quiet time in the morning, before I get ready. I bring my iPhone into the bathroom with me and I read my two devotions from an app on YouVersion.com. this app is amazing, there are a couple hundred different devotions and bible reading plans available. My favorite is Lifetime Daily Devotions by Anabel Gillham. I’ve been at it for nine months now and God is showing me show much. I’ve grown a lot emotionally and spiritually. The app also has a notes feature that I use to take my notes during Sunday service. I really love it!
Thank you. After reading this, I do not feel so alone anymore. This is what happens in my home too. I too have a little boy that wants to snuggle at every opportunity. May God bless you.