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This weekend our church showed our video story. We were able to give our testimony and share what God has done in our lives through this ministry. We want to thank the many people who have walked with us on this journey; there are so many I can’t even name them all here.
Part of our testimony was the video story which is now posted on our home page and we want to thank Scott Moore and his team for doing such an amazing job in telling our story.
Please click here to see our story and thanks for reading!
great clip, wonderful for people to be able to see your story esp. those who haven’t been able to come to one of your classes and hear you in person!
thanks for all you do!!!!!
Thanks for letting us in on your inspiring journey…:-) Be Blessed!!!
Dear Kelly,
I pulled into the Panera in Franklin about 2 months ago and I think I saw a mini-van that had Faithful Provisions on the back window. I was intrigued but didn’t write down the web address.
Then just this week as I became impressed to really crack down on our spending, especially for food, the name Faithful Provisions popped back on my radar.
I loved your story. I love how God is providing for you and your family. I love how He is calling us all to faithfulness…even in clipping coupons.
I love your website and I’m spreading the word on my blog TONIGHT!
psstt.. the ‘our church’ link is incorrect.
Thank you so much for sharing that. I started majorly using coupons almost a year ago out of necessity. They have been such a blessing to us. One of my favorite things is to be able to share some of my bargains with others. Thank you for all the hard work you put into each of your posts. They make a huge difference to moms like me.
Great video of your story and your family…..you are such an inspiration! I have been saving $300 a month since taking your class and have taught so many others how to follow your blog. My neighbor came over in tears today thanking me for helping her learn the coupon process! I am overjoyed in the BAGS of free stuff God has provided for me to donate to others in need. What a blessing and so little effort once you get the hang of it! Thanks Kelly and Bradley….y’all are a great team!
I am so bummed we missed it. We were out of town – I will have to watch online.
Thanks Kelly. I just posted a blog with this video on it. I’ve been trying to explain why I coupon and you’ve just done it for me! You are an insipration!
The link doesn’t work for me. (??????)
Great video! Your family is beautiful…both inside and out!
I was guided to your website from a post by Andy O. on FB in Sept. While I am not an expert couponer yet, I have managed to cut our grocery bill in 1/2. I am also way under our typical annual Christmas budget. Your website has been a blessing and I am sharing it w/ many here in KY. Your video is great. Thank you for what you are doing.
AMAZING video!!! You have the right (and Godly) perspective on saving money. It’s not just about US.
You are an inspiration to many!