I Heart Publix found this great little gem for those of you who might be in need of stocking up on some spray oil. I know I am low after all the baking I have been doing!
Pam Spray –$2.50/ea
-$1/1 Pam Spray, Yellow Advantage Buy Flyer
-$2.50/2 Pam Spray, Food Lion printable (store coupon)
Final Price: $.25/ea wyb 2 after both coupons!
Will this work since these are both store coupons?
How do you get the Yellow Advantage Buy Flyer? Will it be in the sunday paper?
The Yellow Advantage Buy Flyer is in the rounder when you walk into the store.
well at my publix you can only have one store coupon it would be either a publix store q or a competitor store q
They let me use both coupons but the Pam was 3.79. Must be the wrong one…but I think I’ll keep what i have. Oh, well.
I believe the Food Lion Pam cpn is a manuf. cpn.
The FL coupon says “Store Coupon” on the top, but has coding like a Mfg Q (meaning it will scan at the register). However, there is no address to send the coupon to for reimbursement, so I would treat this one as a Store Coupon only. This will probably be different at each Publix store, so I would recommend asking at Customer Service BEFORE you check out to see how they will handle it.
I did not see any Pam for $2.50 at my store, but $2.25 off each can is still a good price!