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Here are my favorite deals in the new Publix weekly ad. Wow – this ad has a ton of BOGOs! There are several items to help build up your stockpile this week. Items you see with an asterisks (**) are what I feel are the best deals.
:: Don’t forget to checkout the Advantage Buy Flyer deals before heading out!
Deals and coupon matchups are just one part of learning how to save money at the grocery store. Get your copy of my book, my new book, Saving Savvy, and learn even more ways to cut your spending in half. .
Are you new to shopping at Publix? Checkout the Faithful Provisions Store Guide to help you get the best deals at Publix.
For the Post cereal, could you also use the Target coupon “$1 off will purchase of two cold cereals” ?? Making the cereal .62 cents?
I have spent alot of time on Faithful Provisions web site. I enjoy it. However, any time I attempt to redeem a free sample of coupons, I am not successful because I always am directed to taking surveys. I have even taken the time to take the surveys in order to get to the coupon or free sample. Howerver, after 20 minutes + of answering survey questions I still cannot get to the coupon and have never receved a free sample of anything. Plz let me know what I am doing wrong. Again I love Faithful Provision web-site but become very frustrated when attempting to print advertised coupons or free samples. Plz advise.
Dina – Sorry you are having issues, why don’t you email me and tell me specifically what is happening and I”ll try to help you out.
kelly (at) faithfulprovisions (dot) com