I get lots of questions on exactly how Rite Aid works, and how to make the most of their Single Check Rebate program. Below is some information that should help you out in getting ready for your trips!
A few things to know about Rite Aid:
- BOGOF (Buy One Get One Free)– you must purchase both items to get discount.
- Great for rebate and free item programs – good to stock up on toiletries/cleaning products, home items
- In-store only purchases; online sales are not applicable.
- Some rebates are only good for a qualifying time period during the month.
- Prescription Transfers –Look for new and transfer coupons, you can get up to $25 in gift cards to transfer scripts.
Highlights of their coupon policy:
- No coupon doubling.
- Rite Aid accepts BOGO Free coupons, however only one coupon can be used for each pair of items purchased.
- You can use one “cents off” coupon in conjunction with an item being purchased on a BOGO Free promotion (or with a Buy One Get One Free coupon), although the value of the cents off coupon cannot exceed the selling price of the item.
- Buy One Get One Free coupons cannot be used in conjunction with a Buy One Get One Free promotion.
- When making a return for a product that had a coupon attached, Rite Aid cannot refund cash for the value of the coupon and cannot return the coupon that was used.
- Rite Aid may accept up to 4 identical coupons for the same number of qualifying items as long as there is sufficient stock to satisfy other customers within the store manager’s sole discretion.
- Rite Aid Coupon Policy – print and take with you to the store.
Single Check Rebate Program
Rite Aid’s Single Check Rebate program (SCR) allows you to purchase participating products during specified time periods. The rebate offers change monthly so you need to watch the exact dates because they usually only run one week at a time.
You just sign up online for the program. Then at the end of the month you can submit for those rebates either online or via mail. The great thing about it is that you don’t have to cut UPC symbols, you just go online and type in your receipt information. Then within 2-3 weeks you receive your rebate in the form of a check you can cash at the bank.
Video Values
Rite Aid’s Video Values program allows you to watch short 2-3 minute videos about the latest products, and in return you get to print great coupons out. My favorite are the $5 off $20 store purchase coupons! These are also referred to as “ad perk” coupons.
wellness+ Rewards Program
wellness+ Rewards Program is a brand new program that just rolled out. The program includes perks like:
- Get reward points for nonprescription purchases and earn up to 20 percent off.
- 10% off Rite Aid brand products
- special wellness+ member sales throughout the store
- points for each prescription filled and purchase made
- rewards points that can be redeemed for discounts and free health screenings
- around the clock access to a pharmacist
An instant reward program for wellness+ members that prints total-purchase coupons at the bottom of a receipt when certain items are purchased. Check out weekly circulars for the new +UP offers, which typically last three weeks from their circular printing.
:: Read more details on +UP Rewards program.
*Deal Scenario*
Edge Shave Gel $1.99
*Earn $1.99 SCR
– Use $1 off in 6/7 SmartSource insert
Total OOP: $ .99 + Submit for SCR at end of month
Final Price: FREE + $1 in overage
Rite Aid Tips:
- Checkout my weekly Rite Aid deal scenarios before heading to the store.
- Only one check per household per month
- Hold all rebates until the END of the month and request after rebate period ends
- Use coupons with rebate items to increase your savings!
Rite Aid FAQ
How do I know what products have a rebate?
The weekly and monthly ads will list all rebate items. Or you can check them out online here. Each week I will match up coupons, sales and rebates to get you maximum savings and earnings!
Do I have to keep all my receipts?
To be safe, I always enter my rebates in online as soon as I get home. You will receive two emails after you enter your receipts, one telling you they got your receipts, and another confirming approved rebates.
What if my store is out of the rebate items?
You can get a raincheck. Once it is out of the rebate period you can just call Rite Aid’s Customer Service line 1-800-RITE-AID or fax the receipt to 1-800-457-2243. On the fax note that you want it credited to your SCR account.
Are purchase amounts calculated before or after coupons?
Purchase amounts that go towards a rebate are before coupons. So, if you get $5 on a $20 purchase, that is $20 before you give them your coupons.

Does the Wellness card keep track of when you have received an +UP? For Example could I do the PG Deal that is running this week and get a 10 +UP twice if I did it in seperate transactions
It appears to be working for some, but I would not count on it once you get there. Plan the deal as if it won’t and if so, it is a bonus.
Can you take a look at the Rite Aid coupon policy link? It wasn’t working for me.
Last week at Rite Aid I was told I couldn’t get the Renuzit Air Freshener Cone ($.88) with my $1 off coupon. I did purchase other items but was told I couldn’t get it for free…I thought that was the wonder of coupons. Any incite?
Can you arrange your website so we can print out the instructions on a particular store w/o all the previous and later pages? It is a real waste of paper to print out 10 pages for a single page’s worth of info.
I am so confused. In your “Rite Aid Tips” you say to hold all your rebates til the end of the month.. But under your Rite Aid FAQ, you said you do yours the same day as purchase…..
I think what she means is that she waits to request her REBATES from the website under her account to be mailed to her until the end of the month, but enters all her RECEIPTS as soon as she gets home. Hope this makes it a little clearer.