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As kids get ready to head back to school, most of us are out picking up school supplies. And of course, we’re watching the sales and getting the best deals!
While you’re out hitting the sales, consider buying a few extra items to donate to kids who are less fortunate. There are several simple ways to donate:
- Most cities have organizations dedicated to collecting and distributing donations of school supplies. In the middle Tennessee area, one of those organizations is the LP PENCIL Box. You can read my post at Nashville Provisions about this group and how they lost most of their supplies in the recent flood.
- Most schools will accept donations. Just drop them off at the school office. If the items aren’t specifically on the school supply list, the teachers will be able to use them.
- Staples is accepting donations of school supplies. They don’t need to be purchased there.
You can spend less than $5 at six different stores and have a great donation! Here’s how:
Office Depot
2 Pocket Folders – Buy 5 at $.05 = $.25
150 pk. Filler Paper – Buy 5 at $.25 = $1.25
Final Price: $1.50
Office Max
12 in. Wooden Rulers – Buy 6 at $.05 = $.30
12 pk. Office Max Pencils – Buy 3 at $.10 = $.30
100 pk. Filler Paper – Buy 6 at $.20 = $1.20
10 pk. Papermate Pens – Buy 3 at $.10 = $.30
Final Price: $2.10
12 in. Wooden Rulers – Buy 5 at $.09 = $.45
2 Pocket Folders – Buy 5 at $.09 = $.45
Penway Highlighters – Buy 5 at $.09 = $.45
Penway 1 Subject Notebook – Buy 5 at $.29 = $1.45
2 pk. Penway Erasers – Buy 5 at $.29 = $1.45
Final Price: $4.25
24 pk. Crayola Crayons – Buy 4 at $.25 = $1.00
2 pk. Elmer’s Glue Sticks – Buy 4 at $.25 = $1.00
10 pk Simmons Pencils – Buy 4 at $.25 = $1.00
Final Price: $3.00
24 pk. Crayola Crayons – Buy 9 at $.25 = $2.25 (get a $4 catalina, so $1.75 moneymaker!)
Final Price: FREE plus overage!
5 pk. Bic Mechanical Pencils – Buy 2 at $.25 = $.50
100 pk Index Cards – Buy 2 at $.25 = $.50
Final Price: $1.00
In reality, no one is going to get to all 6 of these stores, but if you did and purchased these supplies, you would only spend $10.10 (after the Kroger catalina). That would be a fabulous donation for only a little money!
So, let’s live generously and share our blessings!
I saw at least one Kroger in Nashville is also accepting donations of school supplies.