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Scripture Release is a Bible verse memory system to song. It is a vehicle to teach your children God’s word through music, so you can hide God’s Word in their heart. And it is a 24-song download for FREE!
:: Go here to directly download the MP3 files.
In addition to offering the music downloads for free, they also offer the following PDF files to aid you in teaching others God’s Word through memory verses.
- the verses
- sheetmusic for all the songs
- the Scripture Release quizzes in a classroom format (answer sheets as well)
- Teacher’s Guide for a Scripture Release class/small group
Thanks Heidi!
Thanks for sharin’ these…love it!
LOVE THIS!!!! Thank you so much! I almost bought a CD just like this a few weeks ago but am so glad i waited!
Actually, although kids love these songs they were actually designed to be “memory verse songs for adults!” Spend your drive-time listening to them and within 3 weeks you’ll have all 24 verses nailed!… including the references!!