I was at Target last night and could kick myself for not getting this, because we are running low on the old TP! Here is a great deal if your Target has the Scott Toilet Paper on Price Cut.
Scott Bath Tissue (4 rolls), $3.64
Use $1/1 Scott Bath Tissue or Scott Towels (IE) Printable (FF)
Use $2/1 Scott Bath Tissue TARGET coupon
Final Price: $.64/ea after coupons
Thanks, Give Me Neither!
:: Don’t forget to grab the FREE Nail Polish and Vasoline Lotion as well as other Target Weekly Deals.
I don’t seem to find the $2/1 Target coupon. I click on the link, go to household, and all I found was a $1/1 Scott 12 pack or larger. Anyone finding the $2/1?
OK, I got it
I had to actually go through ‘Give Me Neither’ and got it from there! Thanks!
Thanks Lena, I couldn’t find it either!
I clicked on the link from Give Me Neither and it took me to a Red Plum coupon, not Target.