For the next 24 hours, you can grab this super deal for a one-year subscription to Taste Of Home magazine for just $3.99 (up to 4 years). This magazine is loaded with easy recipes and cooking tips as well as kitchen design ideas, nutrition info, and more! Just head over to Tanga and use the code FAITHFULPROVISIONS at checkout.
Find more Magazine Deals on Faithful Provisions.
Why is it that when I rec’v your emails and find good deals like this taste of home – the deal is over?
I just got it, so try it again. THANKS, KELLY! I ordered 4 years because this price was a DEAL!
Cheryl, I’m sorry to hear you’re missing out on deals. The magazine deals usually run for at least 24 hours, which would give you enough time. You should be receiving the emails each day between 1-3pm. Have you been receiving the emails later than that?