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It’s not only time for Back to School, it’s also time for Tax Free Weekends in several states. This is a great time to get out and shop for school supplies, electronics, appliances, and more. There will be huge sales coupled with the tax break, and I want my readers to take full advantage of this opportunity.
Below is a listing of participating states, along with the items included and a link to each state’s official information.
- Clothing ($100 or less)
- Computers, Computer Software & School Computer Supplies ($750 or less)
- School Supplies, including art and instructional material ($50 or less)
- Books ($30 or less)
- Clothing (items under $100)
- School Supplies
Connecticut: August 21-27, 2011
- Clothing (under $300)
- Shoes (under $300)
- Books ($75 or less)
- Clothing ($75 or less)
- Shoes ($75 or less)
- School supplies ($15 or less)
- Clothing (under $100)
- Shoes (under $100)
- All purchases under $2,500 (excludes taxable services, vehicles and meals)
- Clothing ($100 or less)
- Shoes/Footwear ($100 or less)
- Clothing (under $100)
- Shoes (under $100)
- Clothing (under $100)
- School Supplies (under $100)
- Computers & Computer Equipment (under $3,500)
- Computer Software (under $350)
- Clothing (under $100)
- Shoes (under $100)
- Computers (under $1000)
- Computer Equipment (under $500)
- School Supplies (under $15)
North Carolina: August 5-7, 2011
- Clothing (under $100)
- Shoes (under $100)
- School Supplies (under $100)
- Recreational and Sports Equipment (under $50)
- Computer Equipment (under $250)
- Computers (under $3,500)
- Clothing (under $100)
- Shoes (under $100)
South Carolina: August 5-7, 2011
- Clothing
- Shoes
- Accessories
- School Supplies
- Computers & Printers
- Computer Software
- Clothing (under $100)
- School Supplies (under $100)
- Art Supplies (under $100)
- Computers (under $1,500)
- Clothing (under $100)
- Shoes (under $100)
- School Supplies (under $100)
- Backpacks (under $100, only available for elementary and secondary students)
*Texas tax-free holiday also applies to layaway items, just in case you need to come back for it
Virginia: August 5-7, 2011
- Clothing (under $100)
- Shoes (under $100)
- School Supplies (under $20)
Find all the Back to School Deals on Faithful Provisions!
Also Massachusetts has tax free this weekend