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Guest Post By Calie at Broccoli Cupcake
White whole-wheat may sound like an oxymoron, but it’s a very real and healthy alternative to its nutritionally-lacking counterpart “bleached” white flour and to the “brown” whole wheat that has been a common alternative.
While white whole-wheat is similar in appearance to the bleached, nutritionally-stripped white flour we’ve come to know, that’s where the similarities end. White whole-wheat comes from a naturally occurring albino variety of wheat that is sweeter in taste than the red whole-wheat (used to make brown breads) and loaded with all the good things that come from whole grains (unlike bleached white flour).
This is great news for anyone interested in working more whole grains into their diet. While the tannins and phenolic acid in the outer bran of the red wheat give it a bitter taste, white whole-wheat doesn’t have those compounds. Most people can’t tell the difference in taste, texture or color when foods like pancakes, breads, cookies, and cakes are made with white whole-wheat flour.
If you’d like to know more about where the nutritionally-deficient bleached white flour came from, as well as information on other healthy, whole grain alternatives to bleached white flour, check out these posts from Broccoli Cupcake.
- Pantry Makeover: How and Why I Replaced White Flour
- Makeover Monday: Alternatives to White & Wheat Flours
About Broccoli Cupcake:
Calie has a passion for inspiring her family, friends and followers to adopt healthy, green lifestyles. She began blogging in 2009 to share her personal wellness journey, and has worked with leading brands such as Nintendo and GE Appliances to introduce healthy new products to readers. She has also served as a health and wellness resource for various media outlets. Calie is a former healthy living expert for Fox 17 Tennessee Mornings and has been a freelance writer for publications such as Yoga Journal and SavvySource.com. You can find her on Facebook and Twitter or email her at calie (@) broccolicupcake (dot) com.
Photo Credit: King Arthur Flour
Thanks for sharing this information on white whole wheat flour. I use it in nearly everything I bake for a bit of added nutrition.
I just wanted to point out that not all white flour is bleached – in fact, King Arthur Flour is never bleached, never bromated, and has been held to those standards for more than 220 years. Our all-purpose and other white (non-whole grain) flours are allowed to age/whiten naturally, so you can rest assured when you choose our brand that you’re baking with the best flour, free of unnecessary chemicals.
We have lots of great whole-grain baking resources and recipes for white whole wheat on our website: http://search.kingarthurflour.com/search.jsp?N=0&rt=r&Ntt=%22white+whole+wheat%22
I hope you and your readers find something to try! Happy baking!