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I absolutely love being in my kitchen, but what makes it so enjoyable to me is having the utensils and appliances that work best and help me in the kitchen the most. Here are a list of what I consider my Top 10 Must Have Kitchen Items. Not only will having them help save you money over the long term, but they will save you time and stress.
1. High Powered Blender
Whether this is a VitaMix, Blendtec or the more affordable options like the Waring Pro, Ninja Pro or Ninja Ultimate, every home cook needs one! I do not think I could live without mine. We have a Vitamin that we use every day for things like smoothies, soups, purees, grinding grain, soaking overnight pancakes and more. They are definitely on the pricey side, but it is the one kitchen appliance I could not live without.
2. Santuko Knife – I have an entire block of cutting knives and the santuko knife is the only one I use unless it is for small items like capping strawberries or deseeding jalapeños. Knives are an investment, but totally worth it. If you are going to purchase nice knives I highly recommend a Henkel set of knives , be sure that you take them in once a year to have them sharpened. You’ll thank me.
3. Bambook Cutting Board – I have the set of Bamboo Cutting Boards above and love them. In addition to using them as cutting boards, these are so pretty you can use them as a serving tray for fruit & cheese at a party.
4. Cast Iron Skillet – A cast iron skillet is the only skillet I use in my kitchen. I have one that is heavily seasoned and it acts very similar to a non-stick skillet, but without all the nasty chemicals. It stays on my oven top since it is so heavy, but I use it every single day.
*Tip – never wash a cast iron skillet with soap, it ruins the “seasoning” that is created by years of use. Wash with warm water and a clean rag.
5. Toaster Oven – This inexpensive Black & Decker Toaster Oven is well worth the cost and a no-brainer. I often use the toaster oven over my big oven, for speed and especially in the summer to keep it cooler in the house.
6. Mason Jars – I know these don’t seem like a kitchen tool, but they are. I have so many ways to use mason jars in my kitchen. Plus now you can get vintage blue mason jars, that I love for decorating. I use them to hold salad dressing, they are our drinking glasses (if we break one, I can easily replace it), they are great for flowers, and I label them and use them to store ingredients to anything from sugar to chia seeds. They are multipurpose and that is why I love them so much. I like to have different sizes too, I use these half-pint sized mason jars for the kids glasses.
*Tip: When using mason jars as glasses, we put a rubber band around the rim and attach a bread clasp. We label the bread clasp using a sharpie to keep everyone’s glasses straight.
7. Silpat/Parchment Paper – I was given this exact Silpat Baking Mat as a wedding gift over 13 years ago and I still use mine! It is about time to trade it out, but it has lasted me years and I use it just about every time I use the baking sheets. If you don’t feel like investing in a silpat baking mat, use parchment paper, but it is MUCH more budget friendly to just buy the mat, parchment paper can get pricey.
8. Baking Sheet – A stainless steel baking sheet is my go to for anything going in the oven. I like to keep 2-3 on hand to use for everything from baking cookies, to flash freezing fruits & vegetables.
9. Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls – A friend surprised me with this exact Stainless Steel Mixing Bowl set and I use them constantly. They are so light and easy to pull out and I often have them double as serving bowls, especially for kids snacks, popcorn or even ice.
10. Ice Cream Scoop (small) – This small Ice Cream Scoop might baffle you being on the list, but it is so multi-purpose. It is perfect for scooping everything from meat balls, to measuring out batter for muffin tins.
What are your “must-have” kitchen items? Are there any important items I left off the list?