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Look for this Walgreen’s Children’s Activity Book near the pharmacy counter or with the other children’s coloring books. It is just 99¢ and has a whole page of Walgreens coupons!
Coupons include:
- $2/1 Neosporin
- $2/1 Band-Aids
- $1/1 Children’s Benadryl
- $1/1 Flavored Tylenol
- $5/1 Braun ThermoScan
- $1/1 Huggies Diapers or Pull-Ups
- $1/1 Gerber Tooth & Gum Cleaner
- $1/1 Zooth or Oral B Licensed Character Toothbrushes
- $1/1 Listerine Agent Cool Blue or Smart Rinse
- $2/1 Little Critters Gummy Vites
- 50¢/1 Children’s Wal-Dryl or Wal-Zyr
- 50¢/1 Children’s Ibuprofin
- $1/1 Crayola Color Explosion or Color Wonder
:: For this weeks Walgreens deals go here.