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Here are my favorite deals at Walgreens thanks to Mercedes at Common Sense With Money.
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Register Reward Deals
Dial Nutriskin Body Wash – $3.99
*Earn $3 in RRs
–$1/1 Dial Nutriskin Body Wash (IE) or Printable (FF)
Final Price: FREE after coupon and RR!
Benadryl Allergy – $4.49
*Earn $5 in RRs wyb 2
-$1/1 Benadryl Allergy, exp. 9-20-10 (RP 06/20/10)
Final Price: $1 after RR and coupon
Coupon Deals
Pilot V5 Pens – $1.99
-$1/1 Walgreens Aug IVC (exp 8/28/2010)
–$1/1 Pilot Pen
Final Price: FREE!
Ecotrin Aspirin, 45 ct. – $3.49 BOGO Free
–$2/1 Ecotrin Product printable
Final Price: FREE!
Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner – $2.99 BOGO Free
-$0.50/1 Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaners
Final Price: $.99
Aquafresh Extreeme Clean Toothpaste – $2.99
-$1/1 Walgreens Aug IVC (exp 8/28/2010)
–$1/1 Aquafresh Extreme Clean, any
Final Price: $.99
:: More Walgreens deals at Common Sense With Money.
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I think that the Wag’s aug coupon book has a benerdryl coup. Makes it free.
I always wondered about this and encountered it today when I went by my walgreens (on new hwy. 96) to pick up the free pilot pen. The cashier scanned both coupons and said I could only use one of them when she realized it would be free. Of course then she proceeded to tell me the company would not just give the product away. How does this work when the coupon itself states that it is not to be combined with any other discounts or offers?
I think you missed the BioTrue contact solution RR deal.