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This is an abbreviated version because I have a sinus infection and a huge class tomorrow. My blogging is limited today so I can get a little rest in to get better. Lots of prayers for healing would be greatly appreciated!
I also accidentally sent my Publix receipt off with my rebate before writing down my pricing info, I know it was under $15, so we’ll go with that one.
What is Weekly Wrap-Up?
Weekly Wrap-Up is a post I do every Saturday to show you what I got this week for $40 for my family of four. My $40 a week budget includes all food, toiletries and cleaning supplies, it does not include eating out. (I do not include diapers and coffee in this budget, it is separate!)
Total Groceries OOP: $ 26.09 (estimate since I lost my Publix receipt!)
What great deals did you find this week? Be sure to post your trips and include links to your blog if you took an inventory or pictures.
Sorry for the lack of pictures this week, didn’t have the ability to get it up in time. I did one last minute trip to Kroger triples before the mega deals ended. Here are my totals:
Total Groceries: $ 85.11
Total Savings: $ 74.02 (87 %)
Total OOP: $11.09