Tonight’s Dinner is…Grilled Turkey Sausage, Navy Beans and a summer salad. In an effort to eat out of our pantry this week, I found some navy beans and turkey sausage randomly in my freezer. I asked a reader and this we the idea I got!
Be sure to head over to my Facebook page too for more dinner ideas! Lots of talk goes on over there.
Need a little inspiration? Checkout my Recipe Box which is updated daily with new recipes!
So, what’s for dinner tonight at your house? You are encouraged to not only list your dinner plans, but to request ideas and add your favorite recipes!
Enchilada bake. Great for an odd assorment of mexican type foods – beans, rice, corn, tomatoes, ground beef or regular beef, chicken, etc…
We will be having turkey tetrazini with baked squash and zuchini with a green salad!
.-= Christy´s last blog ..Kroger Deals thru April 17, 2010 =-.