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Tonight’s Dinner is…BLT’s (aka Bacon Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich) fruit and steak fries. I went to Aldi yesterday and STOCKED UP on the produce. They had some great prices on naval oranges, strawberries and avocados. So, we are utilizing those this week! I am also adding avocado to my BLT, it makes it so tasty! Oh, and I got 20 lbs of potatoes, so I need to start using them up quickly!
Be sure to check out my Facebook page, there are lots of ideas around daily meal planning. This post will go up around 3pm CST each day for you to list and come checkout what everyone is having for dinner.
So, what’s for dinner tonight at your house? You are encouraged to not only list your dinner plans, but to request ideas and add your favorite recipes!
Burgundy Lasagna, salad with homemade poppy seed dressing and Strawberry shortcake for dessert. It’s spring!