With grilling season upon us, I thought I’d start getting ready to talk about easy and fun ways to use the grill. Oh, and you know me…I’ll have to put some great recipes out there too. I love to use our grill – well, my husband does!
But I am curious? Who does the grilling at your house? You, your spouse, no one… I’d love to see how many of the “Moms Grill Too”!!
After you fill out the polls, leave a comment and tell me what information you would like me to share about grilling!
Just fill out the poll below and check to see who wins out!
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It seems like we’re always grilling the same things; burgers, hot dogs, pork loin. Would love some new ideas. Thanks!
.-= Kristin Gentry´s last blog ..Check out our new website! http://tnbuylocal.com/ =-.
I would love some new ideas about marinades and different seasonings for meat. We love to grill all year round in Southern California and need some new ideas!!
We grilled last night! We love our grill and would love to grill everyday if we could. My neighbors think I am crazy but I grill all thru the winter. Rain is the only thing that keeps me away from the grill
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