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I just wanted to let everyone know I have added quite a few workshops to my calendar for August. Please feel free to see my workshops page for a full calendar. August is listed for you below! I also have 2-3 more to add for September, and hope to get those up next week.
Note, some of the rooms for my classes in Tennessee will be smaller so there will be a 50-60 person cap on the registration. Be sure to register early if you want to attend.
***Also, we added another workshop in South Carolina (Charleston area), for those in the Summerville area!
August 8th – Saturday, 9am -noon
Grocery Savings Workshop
Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church (Sponsored by Piggly Wiggly)
Mt Pleasant, SC (Charleston area)
Register Here
August 8th – Saturday, 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Grocery Savings Workshop
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
Summerville, SC
Register Here
August 17th – Monday @ 6:30pm
Grocery Savings 101 Workshop
Fellowship Bible Church
Brentwood, TN
Register Here
August 27th – Thursday @ 6:30pm
Ultimate Couponing Workshop
Fellowship Bible Church
Brentwood, TN
Register Here
I’m not able to take advantage of specific grocery store bargains as I live in Tucson, Arizona where we have different grocery chains. However, I’ve found some good many-saving tips and some nation-wide deals. Thanks, Kelly. P.S. Please clone yourself in the West. Ann