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Have you thought about writing letters for your Operation Christmas Child shoebox? It makes the shoebox so much more personal. Plus, if you include a picture of your family with your mailing address, you may get a note back from the child who receives your box!
A Lithuanian girl got a picture in her box and asked who the people were. When they told her it was the people who sent her gift, she kissed it. ~story from Operation Christmas Child
This makes a great project for children to do. Writing a simple note helps them understand as well that a real person–a child who might live in a much different place but who is still very much like them–is going to receive this box. It makes it more personal on both sides–for the one giving as well as the one receiving.
TIP: Tape your note and picture onto the underside of the shoebox lid! Find more tips for filling up your box HERE.
Use a colorful piece of paper, a postcard from your city, or the first page of a tablet that you include in the box for your letter. Encourage your child’s letter writing with these tips:
- Introduce yourself by telling them your name and age.
- Write about how you had fun packing the box.
- Tell the child that you hope he/she will enjoy the gifts.
- Draw the outline of your state with a star showing where you live.
- Be sure to write clearly, but don’t worry about trying to write in another language. There are usually translators available at the box openings who will be able to interpret the letter you write.
- Share a little about yourself. Your favorite things to do, favorite foods to eat, and games you like to play.
- Remember, smiley faces are universal, so draw some on your letter!
You can also download FREE coloring pages for your Operation Christmas Child boxes HERE. This is a great activity to do with your kids so they can learn more about this ministry.
What will you pack in your box? See the 101 ideas for gifts to pack in your shoebox HERE.
What a great idea! My daughter does the shoeboxes each year as a service project for National Honor Society at her school. I think I will ask her to include a letter this year.
I am searching for a letter for our church kids to fill in to include in the Christmas Child boxes…have not been able to find a printable…(we used one last year) please help, would just love to get a fill in the blank letter to send with our boxes. Thanks!
Here’s a letter for kids to use:
Writing a letter is a good idea. I wrote a letter for my box, but then, I thought about including my picture and my address in case they wanted to write back. My dad however wouldn’t let me include my address or my picture because you never know how many hands your box will go to before your child.
Just a word regarding this. The only other person to see this is the person inspecting your box at the warehouse, once it is inspected it is taped so that’s it…it doesn’t go through a dozen people before getting to the child ??
Thanks for the clarification, Tanya!
That’s exactly why I haven’t been giving my information. I am just happy keeping it anonymous.
If you want to include an address with the possibility that you might get a response from the child he got the box you could always use your church or school address.
Does this go to a particular person or whoever the person gives it to??
Whoever the person gives it too. Any child will be happy to receive a special gift!
Last year, 2017, I included a picture of our Cocker Spaniel sitting on Santa Claus’s lap along with a letter. The letter was from our Spaniel telling a little bit about himself and his family. We even gave our address, but I am sorry that we did not receive a note back. It is okay because we know that God was in charge.
Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad is a social wing of Roman Catholic Church, striving for the development of communities since 1966. We are looking for partners to support our Christmas Appeal for the needy and poor children in diocese of Faisalabad, Pakistan. In this regard Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad would like to know about your funding opportunities and hope for good response from your side.
In this regard, Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad would like to know about your funding opportunities and hope for a good response from your side. I also found blogs completely dedicated to shoebox packing. My daughter does the shoeboxes each year as a service project for the National Honor Society at her school.
I am a 18 years boy i share the gospel of jesus in villlages of India kindly help me