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Rite Aid has released a new rewards program called “+UP Rewards”. It is similar to the CVS ECB program, except there are no household limits. Since this program is fairly new, expect changes and possible issues. Go HERE to sign up for UP Rewards at Rite Aid.
Here’s an example:
- Each week there are items in the Rite Aid ad you can earn +UP Reward (or UPR) on. For example, in the picture above, you get a $2 UPR wyb Colgate toothpaste at $2.99.
- The UPR will print on your receipt like this:
- Rolling: Use the UPR like “Rite Aid cash” to purchase other items in the store. You can “roll” UPR’s to buy more of the same item. Here’s an example: In your first transaction, buy Colgate at $2.99 & earn $2 UPR. In a second transaction, buy another Colgate at $2.99, pay with your $2 UPR from first transaction#1 & $.99 oop and earn another $2 UPR. You could continue to repeat this.
- Limits: There is a limit to 1 “like” UPR per transaction. Meaning if you purchased 10 Colgate toothpastes, it would still only print 1 UPR. You would need to do 10 separate transactions to get additional UPR’s.
- Totals: Your total must be over the amount of the UPR. Unlike ECB at CVS, the cashiers cannot adjust the price of the UPR down. So if your total is $1.99, you would need to find a small filler item to get your total higher in order to use the $2 UPR you earned from Colgate.
Photos Souce: For the Mommas
Unfortunately, the part about “no household limits” is not true anymore. You have to check the ad because it may state “limit 1 per household.” I am in southern California and to get the +UP Reward, I need to have the cashier scan my Rite Aid Wellness Card. If the ad does not state a limit, I can keep rolling my rewards, but if there is a limit stated, it won’t let me. I tried this last week on the ice cream.
Renee, thanks so much. I am hoping things will be more standardized the longer the program is going.
Thanks for this explanation! I’ve been seeing the Up Rewards in my Rite Aid flyers but wasn’t familiar with the program and didn’t see any details in any of their flyers.
How about when using the Up Rewards? Today i bought 3 packs of Huggies and got (3) $2.00 Up Rewards printed out. Can i use all of them in one transaction next time? Could i do this:
Huggies- $8.99 x 3 = $26.97
-$5.00 (from $5/$25 coupon)
-$6.00 (from (3) $2.00/1 Huggies Coupons)
-$6.00 (from (3) $2.00 Up Rewards)
Total- $9.97 OOP (not including the Up Rewards i will get from this transaction)
I think that should work. Great deal scenario!
I have a question. If you purchased an item using an +UP rewards coupon, could you later return that item for a cash refund?
No, they should refund it to you less the +UP reward amount. It’s the same as using a manufacturer’s coupon on an item.
i have money i always pay full price for everything but id like to spend as much as i do and buy more for other people…. so im trying to figure this out. do i have to do a different transaction for each thing i buy to get the coupon and buy the next thing and use the up reward then? or do they take the dollars off at the register? and wouldnt that just be easier if they are really giving the two dollars off the thing anyways. and why dose it it looks like u save more at rite aid then cvs, and if i showed that to cvs wouldnt they want to match the price so they dont go out of business? thtide en cvs trys to give gift cards but u pay two or three dollars more of the things on sale then rite aid?
ex rite aid has a sale on on tide 5.97 + up reward 1.00 =4.97 limit 1
cvs 5.94 u buy 30 worth u get 30 gift card
i have a coupon for 1.50 of two up to four coupons
and then im lost? help please
Okay, so this week, the Rite Aid ad says, “Limit of 4” for a deal where if you buy 2 nail polishes, you get $2 back. There was no price on the polish. She scanned it and told me it was $.99. She then scanned them for me to purchase. After the B1G1/2 deal, it was $3.19? First baffling anomaly.
Then, both associates told me that the “Limit of 4” on the UPS was for FOUR BOTTLES of polish, not four transactions. That didn’t really seem right to me, but I wasn’t sure. You sure have to be patient to do this stuff! I’ve not done it in a while. Whew.