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Sometimes, easy Easter craft themes come along in keeping with a Christmas spirit! You can repurpose other holiday (holy day) elements to go with an Easter theme. I hope you’ll like this great idea from Faithful Provisions reader Patty on how her family celebrates Easter.
We have been trying to make Easter closer to the level of Christmas (but frugal) for a few years. One thing we do is pull out some of our Nativity set figures (nice plastic ones) that would fit with an Easter theme, and let the kids reenact the various elements of the story. Our Nativity set creator also sells items from the life of Christ (Fontanini) so in the after Christmas sales, I have picked a few elements to add, like the empty tomb. My husband built a set of 3 crosses in a stand, where the crosses come out, and when it is time for Jesus to ascend to heaven, we rig him a line up into our cotton decorated chandelier. It does spread out the season a bit, but gives them a sense of time as well. Now, where did I store the Nativity set. . . ?
Find more easy kids Easter crafts and Easter Crafts Ideas for families on Faithful Provisions.
Do you have a fun and easy Easter craft, recipe or idea to share? I’d love to hear about it! Send me an email to kelly (at) faithfulprovisions (dot) com. (Be sure to send any links, images or information needed to write the post.)