I just want to take a moment to say “THANK YOU” to all those service men and women in our military who have defended this country courageously and valiantly. Without you, I might not have the freedom to worship my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ openly and publicly as I am able to do here daily on Faithful Provisions. In many countries I could be imprisoned for being so open and promoting the Gospel.
“Thank You” from the bottom of my heart!
I hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend, I know we are. Saturday we headed on a family canoe trip, and had a blast. It was a great way to disconnect from all distractions and spend some quality time with the family. A special thank you to the Anderson family for the picture above and it was so good to connect and meet you!
If you are in the Middle Tennessee area, I highly recommend checking out Paddle Dog Adventures in the Westhaven community. They were our outfitter for our canoes and did a great job, plus I loved the canoes because they had seat backs! Always a big plus when on a two-hour canoe trip. Be sure to tell them Faithful Provisions sent you!
Thank you for the kind words about Paddle Dog Adventures. Anyone who mentions Faithful Provisions while booking a river trip will receive a 30 pecent discount during June.