With all the great deals this time of year, you will save the most money when you get your freezer organized and then keep it organized. Keeping it organized is difficult for everyone, but in the video above, I share several tips that help you save more money by simply knowing what you have on hand in your freezer. My FREE Freezer Inventory sheet is available for you to download at any time. I keep mine on the front of my freezer, and for me, it has been the key to keeping my frozen food well-organized. When I know what I have available, I am able to do my meal-planning with ease.
Check out these links:
Deals and coupon matchups are just one part of learning how to save money at the grocery store. Get your copy of my book, my new book, Saving Savvy, and learn even more ways to cut your spending in half.
How do you keep your freezer organized? Share your tips below with the Faithful Provisions community!
I have a chest freezer that I can’t keep organized (hind sight is 20/20). Any tips on organizing them?
Yes, I like using baskets to keep things organized.
I’m thinking it would be a good idea, for me, to also write the date on the package, and do you have a guide on how long foods can safely be stored?
Yes, I typically do write the date on the outside of the package. That way if I have more than 1 of the same item in the freezer, I can make sure to use the “oldest” one first.
Love, love, love you site! It’s helpful and keeps me mindful of God words for me. Just bought a new bigger freezer over Christmas (gift from the hubbie!). I also bought in the fall, a Vacuum sealer (with a coupon and on sale). These two things have cut my grocery bill tremendously! Add in couponing and Aldi’s and I’ve cut my bill 50%! Thanks for all you do.
You are so welcome! Thank you for leaving such an encouraging comment.
I bought a vacuum sealer (on a super sale) to package foods air tight and have heard this can save money- the bags are not exactly cheap though- so does anyone have any advice about how to use this to save money over just using regular freezer storage bags?