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I was looking for some tips for filling Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, and I love that I can always turn to the Faithful Provisions Facebook Community when I need a little help from my friends! I’ve learned so much from my readers. Recently, I asked for some tips and ideas on filling the shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child on my Facebook page, and wow–I got some really super ideas from you.
Cherise mentioned that she fills her OCC box with the simple things–toothpaste (double bag it!), toothbrush, soap–the items that we take for granted. That puts it into perspective, doesn’t it?
Cindi said that most shoe stores will gladly give you a few shoe boxes FREE–and she tries to remember what things she would have liked at the ages of the kids she is buying for. And I can tell you from my own experience of watching the kids open their boxes–they are thrilled and so appreciative of everything!
Dawn said that flip flops are a great item to include, so she shopped clearance sales to get a few pairs for OCC. (When I went to Ecuador with Samaritan’s Purse, there were several boxes that had included shoes with the other gifts.)
With all the ideas of what to pack, I want to be sure you know what not to pack as well:
- No glass or breakables
- No food besides hard candy–no chocolate!
- No liquids–so no bubbles for blowing or shampoo, perfume, or bubble bath
- Nothing sharp–no scissors or razors.
- No war-related items like toy guns or war figures.
If you’re unsure about an item, you can rest assured that the boxes are checked out by the staff at Samaritan’s Purse before they reach the hands of a child. Different countries have certain requirements as well, so each box is examined to be sure that everything is okay to proceed.
Find a FREE printable listing of 101 Ideas for your Christmas Shoebox HERE. All items listed are approved by Operation Christmas Child.
Please don’t forget to include a letter with your box. Not only does it make it more personal for the child who receives your box, but it definitely makes it more personal for you and your kids. I’ve got letter-writing tips for your Christmas shoebox HERE.
::Find helpful ideas for making the most of your Christmas box space HERE.