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Do you see the words on it?
That was the table where we sat two weeks ago on Orphan Sunday. That was our table!
The past few years I have felt something tugging at my heart, telling me something wasn’t finished. That our family wasn’t complete. Last December my husband and I talked about me having another child, but we felt that wasn’t the answer.
For I know the plans I have for you… ~Jeremiah 29:11
Since before I met my husband, I have had a longing in my heart to do something different than I was doing, to be brave. To perform an act that showed my complete and total dependence on God. To fully lean on him, knowing that in it, there was no answer but Him. Once I had a family, well, the thought of being so brave was a little scary. (That is the whole definition of bravery, right?) It was all fine and dandy when it was just me, but when you put others in the mix, it changes everything. It’s a whole new level of trust.
Fast forward to last month.
We made the BIG decision and decided to adopt!
Until now, I have never known such anticipation and fear wrapped up all in the same heart. We know without a doubt that this is part of God’s journey for our family, and I couldn’t be happier….or more fearful at times.
There is so much I want to share with you, but writing has been a bit of a challenge lately with all the paperwork, homeschooling and well…LIFE. I am going to commit to update you what we’re experiencing in this wonderful journey, as we go. I plan to let you see what our adoption journey looks like and hope that if you are considering it yourself, this will be an encouragement to you.
Do you have any idea how much I covet your prayers? While exciting, this journey scares me more than you know, for so many reasons. I want to be brave and fearless and trust God in every decision, with every fiber of who I am. The Enemy creeps in at the worst of times – usually right before a big decision – and everything I knew, flies right out the window. I become gripped with fear and doubt.
This is my command–be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. ~ Joshua 1:9 NLT
Please pray that we will wait on The Lord, lean on Him fully and bring all things to Him. To not walk ahead of him and let Him lead.
I haven’t said it enough, but THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all your support and prayers over the years! I see every message – even if I can’t respond to them all – and they always seem to come just at the right time.
I look so forward to sharing this new journey with you!
So excited for your family!! We, too, are on that road. Waiting has been the hardest part and where we continue to spend our time. I am comforted by the fact that God’s plans and timing are best for us, so we wait for Him to move us forward!
Will be watching for updates! Best wishes and lots of prayers for you guys!
very excited for you all! I have a huge network of friends who have fostered, adopted and all in between!!!
What a wonderful blessing…I just happened upon your post today..one day I hope my husband I will be able to adopt also.
As the mom of 5, 2 of which were adopted internationally I am so excited for you and your family. Please send details and keep us posted. It is an awesome journey!
Congratulations!!! Such happy news!
How wonderful! We adopted our son in 2002, when he was 2 1/2 weeks old. Although there can be so many unknowns when adopting a child, you know that your child is in the hands of the Lord. We know that HE had given us the wonderful gift of our son when we got our phone call….our son was born on my husband’s birthday! I couldn’t imagine having any other child besides our son, he is our miracle in so many ways! I look forward to reading your updates and I will keep you in my prayers!
Both of our boys are adopted, and it has truly been our family’s greatest blessing!!! The stories of how we got our boys are just beautiful and a testimony of God’s grace and the plans He has for our lives! So excited for your family!
Congratulations!!! Love and prayers for you and your family that God will give you the child you wish for.
Congratulations! We will be bringing our little boy home (to Murfreesboro!) from Haiti on Thanksgiving day. Yay.
I look forward to reading about your adoption journey. God bless you.
Best wishes to you all during your adoption journey. My son and his wife are in the process of adoption as well. It is a long and expensive journey, but will be so worth it.
CONGRATULATIONS!! We, too, are “In the process of adopting”!! It is so terribly exciting! We have 6 children (3 bio and 3 adopted) and feel God leading us to a large sibling group. Praying for your family!!
I knew something was up – your postings have been so short for a few days. I have tears in my eyes as I read about you and your family and your new journey. God bless you all!
Congratulations! You are obviously wonderful parents and will make such a difference in this child’s life. Thank you for being an inspiration to others will all of your good deeds.