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I’m often asked if it’s possible to save money while learning how to be healthy. My answer to that is a resounding, Yes! Over the last several years my family has started incorporating organic options into meals, and we didn’t have to increase our budget significantly. Obviously, you can’t expect to spend ten dollars a week and feed your family healthy. But you can expect to greatly decrease your spending when you use these eight tips for eating organically on a budget.
1. Eat Seasonally. You’ll find the best deals on organic produce when it is in season. Use this free Seasonal Produce Template to determine which fruits and vegetables are in season. By stocking up on what’s in season and on sale, you can plan your meals accordingly.
2. Use Your Freezer. Flash-freezing is one of my favorite methods for storing fresh produce, meat, and baked goods until I am ready to use them. Watch my How to Flash Freeze Video HERE.
3. Shop the sales. Most grocery stores now offer weekly sale prices on organic produce and meat. Check the weekly sales flier for the featured organic deals, and buy enough of the item to last you until the next sale. (A normal sales cycle is 3-4 months.) We’ll let you know What to Buy When HERE.
4. Compare bulk prices online. Find the best prices on prepackaged snacks, organic varieties, and even produce when you price match online at sites like Amazon. After purchasing in bulk, dole out smaller portions into zippered snack bags.
5. Use Coupons Strategically. You will save the most money when you pair coupons with a store sale. If you can stack a store sale with a manufacturer’s coupon and a store coupon, then you will be making your purchase at the absolutely lowest price. Keeping your coupons and their expiration dates organized is key to saving big on your grocery bill. Learn more about couponing HERE.
6. Clip Organic Coupons. There are coupons available for natural and organic items online and in the weekly Sunday coupon inserts. You’ll find a list of manufacturers’ and couponing websites HERE where you can print and request coupons for organic and all natural products.
7. Cook from Scratch. I love to cook, but I really love the savings I get when I make my own healthy recipes as an alternative to pre-packaged foods. Ease into cooking from scratch by starting with something simple, like my Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins or my Homemade Pizza Sauce. You’ll avoid extra costs and the extra preservatives and higher sodium content that go with it.
8. Utilize Meal Planning. It is critical to create a meal plan before you head to the grocery store. It can be as simple as knowing what meals you will be making, instead of just shopping for whatever your mood dictates. Meal planning answers the “What’s for dinner?” question, but it also answers the “What am I shopping for?” question that comes first. By having a meal plan, I have peace of mind, feel better about what I will be eating during the week, and save so much time.
Can you be a “couponista” while still eating healthy? You bet! I’ll tell you all my secrets in my new book, Saving Savvy.
The Seasonal Produce Template above is pretty nice! I’m going to have to try it, as I have been looking into shopping for more organic items. I’ve already been putting my freezer to good use for getting the most out of my produce!
Online coupons and deals can really help us save on organic food shopping. Recently I purchased organic fruits from Farmbox Direct (https://www.farmboxdirect.com) and got a discount of $20 dollars.