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**This special offer has been extended! Order through Thursday, November 22nd!**
If you’re looking for designer Christmas picture cards at bargain prices, I think I have a great deal for you. Every year, I love getting our Christmas cards ready, but it can be tricky finding something that looks great but is still affordable. These cards from Minted are perfect, and I think you’re going to love the designs.
Go to Minted right now to place your order and get 15% off your Christmas cards. Plus, they are also offering FREE recipient addresses! (Please note: Minimum order of $150 to receive 15% discount!) That is huge, especially if you send out lots of cards. This offer has been extended to Thursday, November 22nd! So here’s what you can do: You can snag the deal today, pay for it, and then you can always go upload the picture later. Coupon codes and detailed instructions on how to buy now and upload later are HERE.
All the patterns are very different, which means a lot to me. I love having lots of options, especially when it comes to my Christmas cards. To me, these cards are not just sending Christmas greetings, they are preserving my kids just they way they are this Christmas. Every year, I enjoy looking at years past and seeing how my kiddos are changing over the years–from missing teeth to changing hairstyles and increasing heights. Using Minted really makes things easy! Check out the card I’m sending this year, pictured above.
Looking for special Christmas messages to include on your cards? Check out this collection of 25 Christmas messages HERE.
*This post is sponsored by Minted.com.
This offer has been extended through Thursday! One thing I noticed, though, was that to save the 15% you had to make a purchase of $150!! That wasn’t mentioned in your post, so that may be something new.