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Themed Easter basket ideas for girls can be just as pretty and unpredictable as they are! Ainsley has grown so much since last year’s Easter. I’ve got themed Easter basket ideas for girls here that include a couple of options for younger girls and several for the older girls as well.
Easter Gift Baskets for Younger Girls
Be sure you stay with a theme that is going to be of interest to her when you begin putting together Easter gift baskets for younger girls. Most younger girls are all about crafts, but make certain that you look for art tools and resources that keep it age appropriate and easy to clean up.
Craft or Artist Basket
- Use a cute backpack or tote bag in lieu of an Easter basket
- Gather items from a local museum. Often they have picture postcards of current displays.
- Pastels, colored pencils, crayons, poster paint, water color
- Drawing pads and paper
- Paint brushes and sponges
- Plastic drop cloth and apron
Bath Basket
- Beach towel (Disney characters, cartoon characters)
- Bubble bath
- Tooth brush
- Bed time book (can do with recordable Hallmark books)
- Fizzing bath beads
- Bath crayons
- Put it all in a $.99 tote from the Dollar Store that will serve as an Easter basket. She will have a bath caddy then to use indefinitely with her name on it
Princess Theme
- Magic wand
- Tiara
- Fuzzy Boa
- Fun beaded curtain for doorway
- Jewelry
- The Princess and the Kiss (Warner Press)
- Stuffed Frog
Themed Easter Gift Baskets for Older Girls
Putting together a themed Easter gift basket for older girls gives you lots of options. You can go with a tea or coffee theme, a book lover’s theme, or even a spring theme.
Tea or Coffee Easter Basket
- How about using a spring purse or tote in lieu of an Easter Basket?
- A pretty tea cup or coffee mug
- Sample tea and coffee packets
- Tea on the Go (ice tea packets) or Starbucks Via packets
- Recipes cards for flavored sugar and/or fruit tea
- Tuck in a poem or scripture on a recipe card (see Scripture ideas below)
- Chocolate or small jar of honey
- Scented candle or room oil
A Book Lover’s Easter Basket
If your daughter is a reader, create a book lover’s Easter basket that she’ll love.
- Pepperidge Farm cookies (a little more sophisticated!)
- Instant coffee, hot chocolate, or her favorite tea
- A new book or Bible
- Travel mug with lid
- Gift cards to her favorite coffee shop or restaurant
- Pretty gown or pair of PJ’s (for night time reading!)
- Reading light (I like this reading light from Amazon. It comes in lots of different colors! Perfect!)
- A gift card to Amazon
A Spring-Themed Easter Gift Basket
A spring-themed Easter gift basket will be filled with this year’s hottest spring colors: coral and turquoise. Look for a purse, a scarf, a pair of cute sandals, and other items that welcome spring.
- Small purse
- Spring scarf
- Baseball cap of favorite team
- Tickets to a baseball game
- Cute sandals
- Lipstick and nail polish in spring colors
- T-shirt and shorts
- Add some artificial flowers in with your plastic eggs for even more of a spring feel
Don’t miss these 99 Ideas for Filling Your Girl’s Easter Basket HERE. These are grouped by age, which makes it so easy!
Suggested Scriptures to include for girls:
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. (Psalm 139:14)
Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised. (Proverbs 31:30)
Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. 4 You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. (1 Peter 3:3-4)
You can see our Easter Basket ideas for boys here, where my friend Rebecca shares three different baskets to make for older guys.
We’ve got lots of great ideas for you, making it easy to choose an Easter Basket for Kids that is right for each of your children.
WOW! I’ve never seen such thoughtful suggestions! I am definitely looking for a lovely tea cup for each of my girls. Thank you!