This week my husband and I have taken a little time to slow down so we can plan for the coming year. One thing I have learned is that you can’t hit a goal if you don’t have a plan to get there. Especially if you are dreaming big! Last year was the first time I had actually sat down to create personal and financial goals for myself and our family. As I look back at our goals from 2009, I am so inspired to see that not only did we achieve our goals, but blew a lot of them out of the water. That encourages me to set much higher goals for this year!
Be sure to checkout my post from last year to help get you started in your planning. One thing I have found very helpful is the SMART tool my husband gave me below. As you plan and determine your goals, try not to list too many goals. Pick 3-5 main areas you want to focus on and implement the strategies below to quantify and make them a reality.
Be SMART in your goal setting by being …
- S – Specific: Don’t make it too broad.
- M – Measurable: Make your goal something that you can measure your success by. ie.) I will read 10 books this year.
- A – Accountable: Let others know you are striving to hit your goal, put it on your mirror to see each day and encourage you — or on a blog if you are crazy!
- R – Realistic: Your goal should be something that is attainable. a bad example: I will be a millionaire by the end of this year!
- T – Time: Give yourself a time frame to complete the goal, some things need to be done by a certain month. ie.) I will go on a vacation with family by July 2010.
I’ve been so inspired by a fellow blogger Crystal over at Money Saving Mom, whose family goal was to buy a house with 100 percent cash. In 2009, they went from having 33 percent in January to ending the year at 100 percent! If they can make that much progress in just one year, you can too! It will just take some planning and hard work.
I want to encourage you to begin working on your goals this week. Be sure to checkout my 10-Part Budgeting Series I did last year to help us get to our financial goals or one of my articles below.
Budgeting Quick Tips
How to Set A Grocery Budget
Lowering Your Grocery Budget
Maximizing Your Grocery Budget
Next week I will be laying out my goals and dreams for 2010, and hope to see you do the same! I will put up a Linky for you to either link to your blog’s post or give you the opportunity to share in the comments.
What have you found helpful in your goal setting? What is it that motivates you? What financial goals from this past year can you celebrate?
I love the “smart piggy” graphic. Too cute. Happy New Year! Thanks for your ministry.
My friend and I enjoyed meeting you @ Target SO much today. Happy New Year and keep up the good work.
~Kim Rhodes
What a great site! I found you when I googled Meal Planning. I am just getting started on meal planning. I look forward to navigating your site.
.-= Michelle´s last blog ..Where is this going? =-.
Hi. I’m visiting from Rebecca’s Place.
This looks like a blog I need to follow!
Happy New Year!
what I have found most helpful in my goals is to have shorter goal periods.
Example: Like if I want a new bed ( have 1/2 of it saved by June) that could bea goal verses I’ve gotta save that $$$ by December so 6 months instead of 12.. or some times I go even shorter like every 3 months.. I say we need to have X amount of our new carpet fund by March.. that is 3 months instead,etc,etc.. shorter time periods.. help me reach goals.. and then you feel like your getting some where verses seeing no results maybe until the end of the year,etc.. Also having smaller goals as you said Kelly not too many goals so that it can be achieved if you have a laundry list its VERY easy to say I’m not getting anything done……
very interesting