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If setting your 2012 Goals include striving for a healthier body and lifestyle, you are not alone. Of the 40% – 45% of us who set goals, the top three have to do with weight loss (how to eat, what to eat), exercise, and quitting smoking (Source: Proactive Change). With a lot of conflicting information available, it leaves us wondering exactly how to be healthy. How do we reach these goals?
My goal with Faithful Provisions is to teach you how to save money and live generously. For quite some time now, I have been feeling the Lord call me to understand the principles of saving money while still keeping my family healthy and strong. The Bible tells us our bodies are temples and we are to care for them properly so we can fully execute the Lord’s work in our lives. For my family, feeding them healthy, unprocessed, whole foods is one of the ways I can do that.
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. (1 Corinthians 6:19)
I am going to make a disclaimer here: I am not a health expert. Over the past several months, however, I have been putting a more deliberate emphasis on healthy living. My intent for the Healthy Living on a Budget series is to show you how I am slowly incorporating healthy lifestyle changes into my family’s routine. I love sharing what I find, how I prepare it, and what I discover to be healthier options. Check out the links below as you look for how to be healthy in the New Year.
- Whole Wheat Pancakes (with variations)
- Whole Wheat Waffles
- How to Make Homemade Bread
- Homemade Granola
- Kelly’s Homemade Granola
- Carrot-Apple Muffins
- Homemade Pizza Sauce
- Homemade Chicken Stock
- Lentil Soup with Homemade Crostini
- Cabbage Soup
- Oven Roasted Broccoli
- Roasted Acorn Squash
- Roasted Winter Vegetables
- Roasted Vegetable Lasagna
- Kale and Bean Ragout
- Share a Kid-Friendly Omega-3 Recipe
*Find all my Vegetarian Recipes HERE.
- Baby Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle
- How to Get Your Kids to Eat Healthy Foods
- Natural Cold Remedies
- The Truth About White Whole Wheat Flour
- Benefits of Fresh Milled Wheat
- Tips for Preventing Allergies Naturally
- Milk Alternatives
- “Whey” Cool Uses for Whey
*Check out my Healthy Living Series HERE.
Saving Money
- Organic and Natural Coupons
- 8 Tips for Eating Organic on a Budget
- 10 Money-Saving Tips for Buying Organic Foods
- How to Save Money on Natural & Organic Products
- Healthy Living on a Budget: How I Make My Choices — Starting with Produce
What topics would you like to see covered this year in the Healthy Living on a Budget series? Leave a comment and let me know how I can make this series work for you. Also, don’t forget to take our survey and be entered to win a $100 Visa Gift Card!
This is a goal of mine for this year too. I refuse to diet- but I will change the way we eat- slowly.
A recipe my friend, Linda, taught me that made me like asparagus(which I had tried many different ways over the years to TRY to like them for my hubby). Asparagus, on baking sheet, sprinkly olive oil, garlic salt and parmesan cheese. Bake for about 20 minutes. YUM. Thank you to Linda!
Lori- I absolutely love asparagus that way, it is is soo good for you!
I would love to read your article on “Tips for Preventing Allergies Naturally.” However, the link you provided doesn’t work – it just says “page not found.” Will you please let me know the correct link?
Thanks! I’m looking forward to reading more on the Healthy Living Series!
fixed Kathleen!
Thanks for the healthy lifestyle tips. As you mentioned, there are probably a lot of people out there who are also striving for a healthier body and lifestyle for 2012.
I totally agree! You are welcome and thanks for reading.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer affecting men with 186,000 diagnosed every year.
A six year study at Harvard found a 21% to 34% reduction in
prostate cancer risk for men that consumed between five to seven servings a week of tomatoes and or tomato products.
What’s interesting is that the nutrient content of those two foods are not similar.