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I absolutely loved this post from Mom Seriously on “How to Explain Modesty to My Young Child“. She gives a step by step instruction on how to teach your small children about modesty, using leaves in your back yard! I did this with my daughter last week (because I am friends with Mom Seriously she shared it with me last week) and it was such a great learning tool. My 5 yo daughter has been talking about modesty all week.
This post was a follow up from her other amazing post “So What’s Wrong With My Daughter Wearing a Bikini?“. This is another must read.
So, how have you taught your littles about modesty? I would love to hear your ideas and comments.
I think that in addition to discussing modesty with your children, you (as their parent) need to be the example. My daughters do not see me wear super short, tight or low cut articles of clothing. Nor are they allowed to wear them in return. By leading by example and explaining modesty and propriety and how it is seen in God’s eyes, is key to the discussion. And for those with younger children — Mom’s always have the veto power.
In joking, I’ve asked my teenaged daughters (they are now grown) around prom season “what are your chances of getting out of the house in a dress like this?”. They’ve been amazing accurate in response by saying “slim to none”. However, all three chose tasteful, elegant and budget conscious dresses that made them look regal and beautiful.
Talk is cheap, lead by example.