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I found this great post on www.family-health-and-nutrition.com today. Check out her website for all kinds of great health and nutrition information!
:: Go here to see her post on healthy kids snacks on the go.
Ever wonder if you should be buying organic milk instead of regular milk? Is is really worth the extra cost?
Here are the facts for both…
The reasons organic may be best:
1. The “USDA Organic” label means that cows may not be treated with bovine growth hormone (BGH) to increase milk production.
2. Organic milk cannot come from cows being treated with antibiotics. If a cow in an organic herd does need to be treated with antibiotics, she is not returned to the herd for 12 months.
3. Organic milk comes from cows that eat feed without pesticides. USDA reports show that non-organic milk may contain low levels of certain pesticides that come from the cows feed.
The reasons conventional milk is fine:
1. BGH is a protein hormone which means if we do ingest it, our digestive tracts will destroy it.
2. Conventional herds that do receive antibiotics have their milk routinely tested to ensure the milk has no antibiotic content. So, no milk purchased in the United States should have any antibiotics in it!
3. Pesticides, while there are trace amounts found in regular cow’s milk, are at levels far below what has been established as tolerable for humans.
Those are the facts. Now it’s up to you to decide what is best for your family.
Hey Kelly – You may already be aware of this but I used to buy Organic Milk because of the potential affects of the hormones. I was relieved to see that at Publix I didn’t have to spend a lot more on organic milk. Publix regular milk states that it comes from cows NOT treated with rbST (artificial hormone).