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Using printable Advent calendar ornaments on a Jesse Tree is an easy and fun way to make memories with your kids this Christmas season and teach them Scriptural truths at the same time. You’ll be celebrating Advent by looking at the lineage of Jesus. Each ornament tells a Bible story as you weave your way through the Old and New Testaments, culminating in the story of Christ’s birth on Christmas Day.
Free Printable Advent Calendars
Think of this as a free printable Advent calendar. You’ve probably got everything you need already on hand. After printing out, coloring, and then cutting out the ornament, we glue it onto paper (use scrapbooking or construction paper), holepunch, and thread a piece of Christmas ribbon or a piece of yarn through it to hang on the tree. Ainsley and Garrett both love doing these every day. We are doing this in place of our regular devotional time. The kids color their ornaments and listen to the story.
Use an inexpensive wooden Advent calendar tree HERE or just grab some branches from the backyard to make your own Jesse Tree.
Our Advent Jesse Tree is made of branches gathered from the yard (also free!) and placed in this large glass vase. Use what you have available for a tree holder–even a tin can! (The kids would love decorating that!) There are 25 ornaments and stories, so that you can begin on December 1st. However, it’s not too late for you to get your family in on this–even though it is the 6th, you can just do one in the morning and one before bed until you catch up.
We keep our Jesse Tree as a centerpiece on the table throughout the season. This year I have loved watching my younger one making the connections as we read through the Jesse Tree Printables. I’m thrilled to see him understanding and learning how everything in the Bible points to Jesus.
:: Download the Jesse Tree Printable HERE.
Find more free Advent Printables on Faithful Provisions.