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Despite how great this cake looks, it was so simple. I got the idea from my friend Heather, who got it from our friend Kim. Both of their versions are adorable. This is my version of theirs.
Thomas the Train Birthday Cake
1 package cake (yellow or chocolate)
2 tubs whipped white icing
food coloring (full bottle of each) red, yellow, blue and green
8-loaf cake pan
Rainbow Twizzlers (or any flavor)
2-packs miniature Kit-Kat bars
1 package graham crackers, crushed
1 package miniature oreos
Cake base lined w/ aluminum foil (use cardboard box)
Tube icing to write birthday message (on cake base)
Topping Ideas:
miniature marshmallows
crushed oreos (for coal)
Junior Mints (for eyes)
gum drops, gum balls, sweet tarts, any fun candy
Pirouette cookies, Pepperidge Farms (logs)
Cook and cool miniature cakes. Separate icing into 4 containers for mixing. Add food coloring until colors are bright: red, yellow, blue and green.
You might need to cut cakes into perfect rectangles. I filled my batter too full, so they were odd shaped. I used the extras to create an extra square on top of the first car (Thomas). Carefully ice each cake, this was the hardest part (the cake falls a part a little, you will need to use LOTS of icing). Be sure to make the first cake blue, and the last one red (caboose). Place them in a semi-circle on the cake base.
Place 4 miniature oreos on each car for wheels. Then line both sides of the cakes to make a “train track” using the Kit-Kat bars. Fill in the space with crushed graham crackers.
Line both sides of middle cars with Twizzlers to create a bar to keep toppings in place. Use your favorite candy toppings listed above, whatever you have on hand. Be creative!
Front Car: Cut the Twizzlers in three slats and place on front. Use something round for the nose and the eyes.
Print Recipe: Click on the green “print friendly” icon at the bottom of this post, and check “remove images” for a printable version.
That is a beautiful cake, your daughter must have loved it! I think I will try and bake this for my boys. Thanks for sharing the recipe.