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As I mentioned in the Kroger matchups this week, there are apparently some changes to the current Kroger Coupon Policy. I’ve received a ton of emails & comments from my readers across the country (PA, OH, TN) that Kroger is now limiting 3 “like” coupons per item per transaction. I am unable to find anything on their website stating this & it appears to be a regional change at the moment, but I still wanted to make you aware. I would ask at Customer Service before you check out to avoid any hassles in your checkout experience. You can find the rest of Kroger’s Coupon Policy here on my website.
What are your thoughts? Have you stopped shopping at Kroger as a result of any coupon policy changes? Leave a comment below & share what you think.
Here are some comments from my readers:
Jennifer: I heard it was 3 internet coupons not 3 like coupons across the board. something about people making copies, etc. of those from online.
Susan E.: I picked up a copy of the Kroger coupon policy (dated May 2011) a week or two ago after getting the run around on using Internet coupons and it doesn’t say anything about a limit of three coupons. However, maybe they changed it again for June to include that. Do they change their policy every month (seems like it)? And is there a corporate-wide policy or is it store by store? Seems like they’ve really been cracking down on coupon users lately (probably thanks to a certain TV show…).
Jennifer: Ya I think your right! Ever since the T.v show came out I think EVERYONE! Is cracking down on all of this (Even manufacture’s when making their coupons!) *Buy three of this to get one of these etc. It’s sad that they are ruining it for big familieslike mine. (We have 5 children) Coupons help keep us afloat but now everyone is trying to be extreme in this couponing and being very selfish instead of just buying what their families need:(
Laura: My Kroger , Perrysburg, OH has limited it to 3 like coupons. I tried to use 4 and hoped they would just not double that coupon but nope cashier would only let me use three! Bummer!
Angie M: I was told today that I can only use 3 like coupons in one transaction and my coupons were not internet printables…I used the South Arlington Kroger in TX.
Nicole A.: I was told when I went friday by the cashier the limit is 2 like printed coupons and 5 like regular coupons. Oh and the use to round coupons .51 cents – .99 cents off to a dollar and they don’t do that any more either
Debbie: I used 7 coupons on the bic razors today. My kroger is in ky.
Nicholas Harris: In Columbus Ohio we can only use 3 like coupons per transaction. That dag gone show is messing up everything!!
Kroger in White House, TN had a flyer taped to the register the other day with a ton of new coupon ruls on it. I need to request a copy. However, one of the rules is that they will not double a coupon if doubling it makes a product free.
My Kroger in North AL changed about a month ago. My sister also works there. You can only have 3 of the same items w/the same coupon per transaction and if you have an Ecoupon, you CAN NOT use a paper coupon with it!
I will going to Kroger and Publix today for shopping, I have seen so many changes to the policies I live in nashville,TN Since the show , the companies are really cracking down and the heat is really on the cashiers to follow the new policy read the coupons carefully they are here, and notice it says one per item or transaction on a lot of them.
Our Kroger here in Clarksville, TN has always limited 3 like coupons per transaction. And no it’s not stated in their policy. Also here they are no longer accepting loyalty card coupons combined with paper coupons. You can use one or the other. I hate to blame a certain show, but it seems like coupon policies across the board are changing since the shows popularity, I think the economy is playing a part too. Happy Couponing.
My Kroger in Lebanon TN, took all my coupons on Saturday, I bought 6 of the Kraft sliced cheese.
I went to Kroger in Bowling Green, KY on Sunday, and the cashier told me that I could only use 3 internet coupons per customer. I asked if that meant 3 of the same or 3 total, and she replied, “There is a limit of 3 internet coupons per customer.” I’ll be checking in to this more. My only option here is W-Mart, Aldi, or Kroger
On Saturday (june5) I was able to use 20+ of the same $1 off couppn in Ohio without a problem.
Elysian Fields Kroger — I used four coupons for the Garden of Eatin chips this past weekend and they all went through properly.
I was in a Kroger today in Dickson, Tennessee and used 10 like coupons for 10 like items with no issues. The only thing I have seen regarding the number 3 is, they have a promotion to buy 10 sport type drinks get 5 FREE, with a limit of 3 of these rewards per transaction.
I live in NW Ohio and I was just in Kroger on Friday & the ad itself had the limit of 3 on it! I am just getting back into major couponing again so it has been awhile since I had been in Kroger so I didn’t know until I saw it printed right in the ad!
So far so good in east TN. I used 12 ragu yesterday and there were no problems. I don’t usually have more than 2 like internet coupons so I don’t know about them.
I went to the one in White House today and used 4 like coupons on a lot of items.? But man, I HATE that extreme show, it has screwed up so much for us normal folks
Publix has stopped taking copy of coupons — they still will take internet printed ones but the cashier said it was people making copies of coupons and something about the numbers on the coupons so maybe this is what Kroger had picked up and did as well. Our local grocery in Greenbrier, TN has stopped any coupons other than ones you cut out they will not take what they are calling printed internet coupons
:avergne , TN Kroger sent an email they will no longer allow stacking per a co-worker that lives there.
I went to kroger last week and they tagged me on a pampers diaper purchase. I had a Catalina coupon ($3), a ecoupon on my card (.75 off), and a manufacturer’s coupon ($5/off). My wife swiped my card and the cashier only allowed the catalina and the .75 coupon, and stated that I could only have a ecoupon or a manufacturer’s coupon. I told her to take the diapers off, that I could buy them cheaper at walmart. I then bought the diapers through the self-serve cashier and used my card with the ecoupon, the manufacturer’s coupon and the Catalina. So the computer is not programmed to refuse the coupons, only the human cashiers.
If they continue to crackdown, we’ll just cut Kroger back out and go back to Aldi and Walmart.
That’s fairly standard at Kroger now. e-coupons trump paper coupons. Only load e-coupons if they are either higher value OR if you need extras for a multiple “like” item purchase.
MIne in central IN still allows 10 “like” per transaction. Fellow couponers, I personally encourage you to email corporate and ask the powers that be to consider a more generous allowance regarding “like” coupons. A gentle reminder that we have a choice in where our dollars and coupons are used “but I prefer to remain a loyal Kroger customer” might be in order. I think it’s worth mentioning too that your desire is not to clear a shelf or manipulate your couponing privileges in any way, but rather only to feed your family in a struggling economy. If they don’t hear from us (respectfully), we have ilttle hope for improved policy. JMHO.
p.s. I emailed corporate today.
Went into Nashville area Kroger and they would not accept competitor (Publix) coupons….sorry to tell Kroger I will be taking my business to Publix…they take competitor coupons….and are a much friendlier, nicer place to shop.
I *agree* I MUCH prefer Publix to Kroger. I LOVE how my local Publix is SO friendly and VERY supportive to coupons. They do look over them, but that’s fine with me. I have always followed the rules. Kroger employees for some reason are like a different planet in comparison!!
Re:kroger couponing
As I have mentioned before, Kroger would not take a coupon that had Publix written on it, even
though at the top it said “manufacturer’s coupons”. Publix and Wal Mart will take Kroger coupons as long as it is a manufacturer’s coupon. Publix overall has been much more
accomodating and friendlier so I’m doing my major shopping there. I only buy what’s on sale
with a coupon. It works for me.
I have to say – I have almost stopped shopping at any of the Krogers here in Franklin, TN. I do most of my shopping at Publix and Harris Teeter now because they take competitor coupons and they are actually happy to see how much money I am saving with my coupons! I want to do business with coupon-friendly stores – not stores that make me feel like its a crime to use my coupons. BTW, I do not do the “extreme couponing” thing… I rarely ever purchase more than 3 of any one thing.
I was in my Kroger this evening and was told by a manager that they did indeed change their coupon policy to 3 like coupons in one transaction, she then told me that it was related to the “couponing show”. I’ve never liked that show and I REALLY don’t like it now!
I live in Kentucky, and went to Kroger here in town yesterday. They informed me that their coupon policy had been changed, and you are only allowed 3 print at home coupons per transaction. Also, they do not double Catalina coupons, Kroger coupons, or print at home coupons.
I went to my local Kroger on Saturday, in Houston, Texas and the following changes have went into place. I was given back about 15$ in paper coupons because I couldn’t double up with them. The worst part about all of it was the coupons in my hand were better than the ecoupons, but once the card has been scanned there is no turning back. If I had not had my son with me that day I would have picked out only a few of the items from my cart and walked out. I will be searching for a new grocery store, even though Kroger is 1/2 mile from my house. They don’t realize there are other grocery stores out there still doubling and accepting coupons based on the old coupon policies.
Digital Coupons Policy
Customers choosing to participate in the digital coupons are required to have an active online account with a valid, associated shopper card. Kroger employees or partners are prohibited to set up or otherwise maintain an online account not specifically associated to that employee or employee household.
A valid shopper card or an alternate ID is required for the use of digital coupons at the time of purchase.
Digital coupons and offers are deducted from a customer purchase prior to paper coupons or any other discounts and cannot be added back or removed once card has been scanned.
•Limit one use per digital coupon per transaction
•Digital offers cannot be combined with manufacturer paper coupons on the purchase of a single item
•Digital offers do not double
•A limit of 150 coupons can be loaded per household at one time
The store manager has the right to accept, decline, or limit the use of ANY digital coupon or offer.
I live in NW Ohio and they will not double only up to .50 and they will only take 3 coupons for like items. I wanted to do 2 transactions and had nothing but a hassle. I said I only had like 14 items total. Not like the people on tv. NO GO> I have not been back only to go pick up one or two items I needed and had coupon. I guess I will be going to walmart more they usually do not hassle me on coupons. Yes the store around here are chaning their policy’s everytime we turn around the reasonI was told in one store is that show. LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!! I have used coupons for years. More so in last 2 since my hubby doesn’t get 40 ;hrs. a week anymore. So so sad.
It hasn’t trickled down to Jackson TN yet, that I know of, but probably will soon. I usually never have more than three of any one item, aside from cereal. They have stopped the ecoupon stacking with the paper coupon. And the ecoupon is primary. I lose money because my paper coupon is usually higher and they double up to 50¢, unless I buy an additional product. If it gets to be too much of a hassle, I will switch to Walmart, though I don’t want to. Or make my rounds to the different Krogers here. I too have no intentions of wiping out the shelves. However, one of the cashiers did mention that there was one woman that comes in like the Extreme Couponing, gets hundreds of $$$ for 20 or 30 bucks, but they think she ‘cheats.’
I went to the Kroger located in Apex, NC and they would only let me use 2 coupons that were alike. I wanted to purchase 10 packs of Oscar Mayer hotdogs and use 4 like coupons. The cashier only let me use 2 and commented that “I was still getting a good deal for the other hotdogs since I got $3 off for buying 10 and the 2 coupons for an additional $2 off.
Then I went back the next day, got another cashier and was able to use more than 2 like coupons. Go figure!
I live in south Knoxville, TN and was told today that I could only use “5” like coupons for the same items. A few days ago I used 12 coupons on the Wisk detergent and the same for Colgate toothpaste. I try to maximize savings using Kroger’s double coupon policy for .50 and below but am MORE than willing to take my business to my local Wal-Mart who will price match the item AND take ALL of my coupons! I really used to like Krogers because they do have more selection but was not pleased with my experience there today!
I had my store tell me today that it was 3 printed coupons total per entire purchase. Called two other Krogers in the Louisville area and they say that isn’t true. Waiting on the Shelbyvile KY store to call me back. Never have had an issue since the policy change until today. 3 printed coupons on the same item but not 3 total jeeeez. I see others have been told this too. Did anyone ever find out differently?
Our Krogers here started the “3 internet printables per visit” policy last month. They didn’t bother to post a sign stating this and so when I got to checkout and handed her my q’s AFTER she had rung everything up she informed me of the new policy. If my son hadn’t been acting crazy (he is 2) I would have told her to take everything out of the bags that I had a paper coupon for and unring it. I had only 1 each of the printables….it wasn’t like I was trying to use 10 or 20, although since we have 4 business computers and each of our 4 children has a computer as well as both my husband and myself I could easily print out 20 q’s and they would all be legitimate. Now I hear rumors thatall Krogers will stop doubling any coupons at all sometime this month. Once that happens, I will have absolutely no reason at all not to go to the Wal Mart right next door to Kroger for all of my shopping needs. I hope they are ready to lose alot of business, because even people who are NOT extreme couponers, like myself, went to Kroger over Wal Mart because they would double coupons .50 and under whereas Wal Mart will not.
At the Kroger’s in Louisville, KY and Southern IN, I’ve not had a problem with using more than 3 like coupons. My suggestion is to always check out at the self-scan over 15 items. It allows you to scan your own coupons, where the under 10 self-scan makes you give your coupons to the cashier to take off.
Here in Central Illinois, I use as many like coupons as I want at my local Kroger. However, they will only double the first two eligible coupons…the rest are at face value. From my research, Kroger seems to have coupons policies specific to their regions. I know that southern Kroger policies differ somewhat from mine. It’s aggravating that they no longer stack coupons and won’t double more than 2 per shopping trip (a “trip” is considered once very 24 hours). It’s as if they don’t WANT to help the consumer save money.
I just called the Kroger on campbell lane in bowling green and they said i could only use 3 internet printed couons per transaction not item. What if I have 6 internet printed coupons for totally different items. Not fair.
I wrote here several weeks ago that the Springfield, TN Kroger only accepts three internet coupons.
Here is the newest coupon policy for Kroger I received today 9/26/2011 form
Kristal Howard | Public Relations Manager
The Kroger Co. | 19245 David Memorial Drive ● Shenandoah, TX 77385 kristal.howard@kroger.com
BE SURE TO READ NUMBERS 5-5.2, 16, 17, AND 18
This policy is intended as a general guide to using coupons at Kroger Southwest stores located in Texas and Louisiana.
1. Coupons are redeemed for face value unless otherwise advertised at your local Kroger store.
2. Coupons must be presented at the time of transaction.
3. Coupons may only be redeemed for items, brands and sizes as specified by the verbiage requirements of the coupon.
4. We accept all valid, current manufacturer coupons. We do not accept expired coupons.
5. We accept valid, current online, internet and print-at-home coupons.
5.1 Online and other Printable coupons should be valid, legible and have a bar code that scans.
5.2 Printable Coupons having value more than 75% of the item price are not accepted.
5.3 Free product printable coupons are not accepted.
5.4 Buy-one-get-one-free coupons are accepted.
5.5 Printable coupons will not be accepted if they appear copied or altered in any way.
5.6 The printable coupons should be printed directly from the website or email in which they were offered.
5.7 Printable coupons have unique serial numbers and follow an industry standard format; they are non-transferable and should not be copied, scanned, sold, traded or otherwise distributed.
6. We accept all valid, current Catalina Manufacturer coupons and Kroger Catalina Coupons.
6.1 Kroger Catalina coupons printed at the check lane may be used on your next shopping trip.
6.2 Catalina messages are not redeemable coupons.
6.3 Kroger and Competitor Catalina Manufacturer coupons may be accepted.
6.4 Competitor Catalina Store Coupons may not be accepted.
7. Competitor Manufacturer and Store Coupons
7.1 Pharmacy competitor coupons and Competitor Catalina Manufacturer Coupons are accepted.
7.2 All other competitor’s coupons are not accepted. Competitor Catalina Store Coupons are not accepted. 8. Coupon Stacking: A manufacturer coupon and a Kroger Store Coupon may be use on the same item. Two or more of any other type of coupons may not be used on the same item.
9. If a Manufacturer coupon exceeds the price of the item, the excess will be applied to the basket purchase. If the excess is greater than amount due on the total order after the coupons are redeemed, the excess will be given in cash. WIC or SNAP items in a WIC or SNAP transaction are ineligible for cash back or application to the basket purchase.
10. Coupons may not be combined with certain special pricing programs, including $4 and $10 generic prescription pricing.
11. The Coupon may not be applied to any free item received in any offer.
12. The Coupon must have a scan bar that scans and applicable “bill to” information. 13. Items returned will be refunded at the after coupon price. The coupon will not be returned to the customer. 14. Sales taxes will be applied in accordance with the law of the applicable state, regardless of any coupon or other discount that may apply to the purchase transaction.
15. Coupons may not be applied to items restricted by law. Coupons may not be applied to services such as but not limited to Gift Cards, Money Orders, Utility Payments, Postage Stamps, Event Tickets, Lottery or Phone Cards.
16. Kroger Store Management reserves the right to accept, decline or limit any coupon.
17. A Kroger coupon policy retrieved from any other source does not reflect the coupon policy at Kroger Southwest stores.
18. Our Coupon policy is subject to change without notice at any time.
It was on the news in TN (Knoxville) that Krogers changed their policy to only take 5 alike coupons and 2 interent coupons per day.
Ms Wymer,
Thank you for replying. Please keep in mind that the information in the article was not provided by The Kroger Company. If you have any questions regarding the coupon policy, please refer to the policy that I provided.
Also, I have forwarded your comments and suggestions to the division to be reviewed. Your comments are always welcomed and never taken lightly.
Kristolyn Curtis
Consumer Affairs
From: Cindy Wymer [mailto:tat.wymer@hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 1:57 PM
To: Curtis, Kristolyn
Subject: RE: Your Comments (#10695208)
Ms. Curtis,
You were kind enough to answer my questions regarding Kroger’s coupon policy on August 11. Can you tell me if there is any truth in the following information that I got yesterday (in purple, is what was emailed to me):
There is a new comment on the post “Store Coupon Policies”.
Author: Amy
New changes to the Kroger policy are spreading throughout the country …
Check your region for application!
1. No more double coupons – this stinks mega time for some people. Thankfully, for me … the Delta has not made this change.
2. Maximum of TWO Internet coupons per manufacturer … NOT per item! This has gone in effect in the Delta. Also this is per person, per day. Which means they will not allow multiple transactions. But some stores may read this policy differently. Check with your store before you load the cart!!
3. Maximum 5 MFRs per like item, per customer, per day. Again, no multiple transactions. And this is designed to keep people from clearing their shelves. Yes it is their job to stock the shelves but they order based on demand and most stores get one delivery a week. So … they are trying to be fair to everyone.
That’s it … Wish you would apply these changes above so no one gets confused.
Cindy “Tat” Wymer
> From: kristolyn.curtis@kroger.com
> To: tat.wymer@hotmail.com
> CC:
> Subject: Your Comments (#10695208)
> Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 17:03:26 -0400
> Thank you for contacting Kroger regarding our Coupon Policy. Our coupon policy varies by division. The policy for stores in your area is as follows. Please note that this policy is our most current and it is subject to change without notice. For further clarification of this policy, please speak directly to store management.
> The store manager has the right to accept, decline or limit the quantity of coupons or items used or purchased in a single transaction, by a single customer, or in a single day.
> Double Coupons:
> * Manufacturer coupons of $0.50 or less will be “doubled”.
> * We do not double or triple coupons that are for tobacco items
> * Manufacturer coupons over $0.51 will be redeemed at face value.
> * This does not apply to “free,” Kroger, Retail Food Store coupons, electronic coupons on the Kroger Plus card, or items prohibited by law.
> * We do not double or triple Kroger Division Coupons
> Pharmacy Coupons:
> * Competitor pharmacy coupons are accepted.
> * LCM or Competitor Coupons may not be used in conjunction with our $4 Generic Program.
> General Coupon Policy:
> * Limit one (1) manufacturer coupon per item purchased.
> * Limit one (1) store coupon per item purchased.
> * One (1) manufacturer and one (1) store coupon can be used on the same item.
> * Coupons cannot be used on “free” items.
> * Expired coupons are not accepted.
> * Amount refunded cannot exceed the cost of the item.
> * We only accept printable coupons if they scan properly at checkout.
> * We do not accept “free product” printable coupons that have no purchase requirement.
> > Buy-one-get-one-free coupons and other values that have a purchase requirement are acceptable but will be much less common than traditional value-off coupons.
> * We do not accept coupons for more than about 75% of a product’s value without advance notice.
> > Legitimate PAH coupons will not be for a high value relative to the cost of the item. For example, a $2.00 off coupon will be acceptable for a product that normally sells for $5.00 or more, but a $2.00 off printable coupon for a product that sells for $2.25 is unlikely to be legitimate.
> * Coupons will be rejected if they appear out of proportion or blurry, or are obvious duplicates.
> * Legitimate PAH coupons are never copied, sold, or traded. Nearly all coupons are “non-transferable,” meaning they should not be photocopied or scanned and distributed to others.
> * Coupons will be rejected if they appear to have been altered in any way.
> PAH coupons can be checked for validity at: http://www.printcoupons.com
> * The online coupon will always take priority over the paper coupon. Stacking is not allowed, will not work, and will only lead to angry customers
> * There is a limit of one electronic or paper manufacturer coupon per item.
> * Digital coupon and manufacturer paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item.
> * If a Customer has loaded an electronic coupon to their loyalty card, then the electronic coupon will apply before the manufacturer paper coupon.
> * A digital coupon cannot be removed from a transaction once redeemed
> * If the electronic coupon and manufacturer paper coupons are applicable to the same item, the system will give the discount based on the Electronic Coupon.
> For any additional questions please contact a member of management. I hope this information is helpful to you. Please let me know if I can assist you further.
> Sincerely,
> The Kroger Co.
> Customer Service