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Okay, this week I am going to start something different. I usually post from the previous week. So, if I went shopping this morning, you won’t see it until next Saturday. I have had TONS of requests from readers wanting to see what I bought this week, because it encourages them to get out and grab deals they didn’t see until I put it on my Weekly Wrap-Up. I want nothing more than for each and every one of you to be as encouraged as possible, so I am starting today!
Since I will be starting today, I will have 2 separate wrap ups here. Last weeks and this weeks. As I told you at the beginning of the week, I am upping my budget over the next few weeks in order to get a good stockpile up for the fall. I haven’t stockpiled very much the last two months, but am going to be focused about it now. This is a great time of year to do it! See my post here on the seasonal sales cycles for August and September.
What is Weekly Wrap-Up?
Weekly Wrap-Up is a post I do every Saturday to show you what I got this week for $40 for my family of four. My $40 a week budget includes all food, toiletries and cleaning supplies, it does not include eating out. (I do not include diapers and coffee in this budget, it is separate!)
Total Groceries OOP for two weeks.
Week of 8/22 $ 95.68
Week of 8/29 $ 37.63
What great deals did you find this week? Be sure to post your trips and include links to your blog if you took an inventory or pictures.
Week of 8/22 $ 95.68
First I did two Krogers trips in a row for the Mega Event. If I had known that our local Kroger was going to match Super Doubles the next week, I would have held off for the best deals, you will see below. But, I still did pretty well, as you can see!
Kroger Trip (last week for Mega Event)
6 – Cascadian Farms Organic Cereal
2 – Nat Valley Nut Clusters
4 – Betty Crocker Cookie Pouches ( we LOVE these!)
4 – Sobe Waters
2 – Mott’s Applesauce packs
2 – BC Brownies
2 – Fiber One Yogurt Packs
3 – Fiber One Chewy Bars
Fiber One Muffin Mix
3 – 3 lb bags organic potatoes (rain check)
4 – Smithfield Bacon (FREE!)
turkey lunchmeat
5 lbs bananas (marked down, for smoothies)
2 pkgs Smithfield sirloin pork chops (marked down)
3 – pkgs Tyson Fresh Chicken Tenders (less than $1/lb w/ coupon!)
4 – General Mills Cereals (Golden Grahams, Cheerios)
2 – Grands Biscuits (for Chicken Mug PIe!)
grapes and apples
2 pkgs of yeast
2- Gogurt pkgs
Total Groceries: $ 174.65
Total Savings: $ 113.34 ( 65%)
Total OOP: $61.31
Next, I couldn’t not stop into Publix, they had some great deals on the Kashi cereal ($1/box), and $.25 yogurt packs.
8 – Kashi Sunshine Cereal
2 – gallons milk
2 – Coles frozen bread
4 – Yoplus yogurt
2 – Sundown Children’s Vitamins
Eckrich Turkey Sausage (Thanks HEather!)
2 – Morningstar Black bean Burgers
3 – Old Elpaso Enchilada Sauce (marked down)
2 – Nature’s Own Organic Bread
Cheeze-It Crackers
Penny – Paper Towels
Total Groceries: $ 102.21
Total Savings: $ 67.74 ( 66%)
Total OOP: $ 34.37
Week of 8/29 $ 37.63
In spite of my great savings last week, I still had to get out this week because Kroger was not only having the Mega Event, but also Super Doubles!! That made many things FREE including Popsicles, almost free Breyers yogurt and Nat Valley Nut Clusters. Lots of stockpiling for me this week!
See my little sweetie! It cracks me up how excited she gets when I come home from the grocery so she can get her picture taken. This was yesterday and today’s trips, I did so much better this week in savings percentages, broken down by trips one I saved 78% and one over 90%, wupee! This is encouraging, I am back into stockpiling again. I lost my mojo for a few months there. I will still be heading to Publix tomorrow to pick up milk, a little produce and some cheap pop corn! Then I am done until next weekend!!
Kroger Trip
8 – Popsicles
8 – Breyers Ice Cream
6 – Simply Potatoes
4 – Nut Clusters
5 – Cascadian Farms Organic Cereal
4 – Cascadian Farms Organic Granola Bars
6 – Sargento Shredded cheese
3 – Activa, Dannon, DanActive yogurts
3 – Kraft Salad Dressings
2 – Tropicana OJ’s
4 – Disney Gummy Vitamins
Purity Milk ($1 off coupon at puritylovers.com)
Glad Wrap
2 – Quaker True Delights Bars
2 – Cool Whip Cans
Fiber One Bars
sliced ham from deli
Huggies Diapers (not part of budget, but I only paid $3.27!)
Total Groceries: $ 243.66
Total Savings: $ 206.03 ( 85%)
Total OOP: $ 37.63
So how about you? How did you do this week? What sales and deals did you find? I would love to see your trips. Either link below or leave your trip details in the comments below.
If you are viewing this in a reader or via email, click here to see this posts comments.
I am a pretty healthy eater and try to eat as many fruits and veggies as I can. I have been saving a lot of groceries, but I notice that there are not a lot of fresh fruits and veggies in any of your photos. Has this been addressed before? Anyway to save of fruits and veggies?
Paige, we eat tons of fruits and veggies, you can see my Cooking 101 posts here to see what types of foods we eat.
First, we have a garden that produces a nice amount of our veggies in the summer, so I don’t have to purchase as much in the store. Also, if you look in the pictures from today there are 5 lbs of bananas, 2 lbs of apples, grapes, celery, applesauce and organic potatoes. I also have watermelon, and organic carrots from the previous weeks, and in the freezer I have bananas, strawberries and blueberries we use for smoothies and my kids eat frozen for snacks.
I also noted that I have one more trip to Publix tomorrow where I will get my bulk of fresh produce for the week. The pictures you saw today were mostly a stockpile for pantry items, because this is the cycle for those types of things. I hope this clarifies things, but I do want to stress that I highly recommend LOTS of fruits and veggies. Ours just cycle through as to what type they are, and where we get them. Thanks for reading!
How do you save so much at Kroger? Is it because of the coupon doubles? I get coupons from online and the newspaper but never save so much, what is the secret to saving over 50%?
At our Kroger this week they did Super Doubles. This is where they double coupons $1.98 and under! So, I strategized to only get items that maximized that coupon value to get lots of things for over 80% off. So, if Popsicles were on sale for $1.99, I used my $1 off coupon which doubled to $2, and got it FREE!!
Hey Kelly,
I’ve been couponing since the middle of June and I LOVE IT!!! I am a member of the MOMS group and Willowbrook and I can’t wait for you to come visit us!
My 3 year old daughter Mally loves to be photographed with the groceries too!
Have a blessed day!
Great job this week!! Awesome savings. Thanks so much for all you do; this is very encouraging.
Wow! You had some great savings this week! Thanks for now posting these earlier now- it really does help motivate me to see what you’ve been able to find and still have a chance to get some of those deals. Still new at this, but learning and saving more every day! Thanks for all that you do!
Thanks for posting early, it is helpful to see what you were able to do, then have time to do the same. I am visual and sometimes get on overload with all of the deal choices, this is a huge help!
Kelly, where did you find the popsicle coupons? Also just curious how your got your diapers so cheap? I got some with the super doubles but not that cheap. Was it by stacking?
Liesl, I got the popsicle coupons out of the Raise You Hand Publix Coupon booklet. I did stack the coupons for the Huggies diapers, it was a great deal!!
OK, scratch my last comment.
I found where you mentioned the popsicle coupon. One more quick question – did you have issues with the Activia and Dan Active? I tried to buy them at the HT super doubles and they wouldn’t double them. Will Kroger double the ones that say, “Do Not Double”?
Kroger, Publix and HG Hill will double the ones that say Do Not Double, but Harris Teeter will not. Hope this helps!
Do the loadable coupons (to your Kroger card) count in the 20 coupon limit?