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This article is a must-read by my friend Mandi, for those of you with little ones. In my mind, I imagine drowning to look very differently so I want to get this very important message on your radar. ~ Kelly

LifeYourWay.net/Mandi Ehman
It’s been three years now, and I can still clearly see it happening in my mind. As we head into another summer, I can’t help but share this post once again:
Earlier this summer I read a post about what drowning really looks like.
This weekend, I saw it for myself.
We spent the day at my dad’s house for a family pool party, which is always a little bit stressful as we keep track of four little ones—who are at times overly brave in the water—in the midst of conversations and chaos.
After a brief break to eat, the girls hopped back in the pool for another swim while Sean and I stood on the side keeping track of them.
Read the full article here.