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Tonight’s Dinner is…Roasted Vegetable Frittata, Wheat Rolls and watermelon. We have a ton of garden vegetables in our fridge (red onion, zucchini, squash, cherry tomatoes, spinach) I need to use them up so I am going to saute them with my farm fresh eggs I got this weekend and leftover buttercream from making my organic butter Saturday. Our CSA has a yellow fleshed watermelon, so that was our side. My son could eat watermelon all day long, so that is pretty much all he ate (oh, and the bread!).
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So, what’s for dinner tonight at your house? You are encouraged to not only list your dinner plans, but to request ideas and add your favorite recipes!
Please post a recipe … this sounds yummy. And we have squash and zucchini coming out of our ears right now.