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Please note: This giveaway is now closed. The winners are announced HERE.
My savings philosophy here at Faithful Provisions is to save money in order to live generously. Saving money is about stocking up and strategic couponing and knowing what to buy when, but it’s done with the fundamental desire to bless others out of our surplus. This holiday season, I would like to challenge any of my readers who are able, to give $25 in some way: to your community, to a needy family, to global missions, to a charitable organization, or to an individual whom you know needs a helping hand. My readers know that $25 will go a long way!
In The Save and Give Challenge, four winners will each receive a prize package containing:
- Two copies of my book, Saving Savvy – One to keep and one to give away
- A $25 pre-paid Visa gift card
Follow the directions below to enter. You may enter now through Monday, November 28th, 11:59 pm CST.
Right now, you can purchase Saving Savvy: Smart and Easy Ways to Cut Your Spending in Half and Raise Your Standard of Living…and Giving! on Amazon for $11.35 (retail $16.99) and on Barnes & Noble for $11.35 (retail $16.99). Use giftcards from Swagbucks or Barnes and Nobel to save even more!
Worthy Publishing is offering four prize packages, containing two copies of Saving Savvy and one $25 pre-paid gift card, to four randomly selected winners. The winners will be announced on NOVEMBER 29th, 2011.
Faithful Provisions Giveaway Disclosure: Worthy Publishing provided me with 8 copies of Saving Savvy to give away. For more information about Faithful Provisions, please read my Disclosure Policy.
*One entry per person per method of entry per day. Be sure to enter a separate comment for each method of entry (one comment for Facebook, one comment for Twitter, etc.). This way you have a higher chance of winning.
**5 Entries per Person per day
1. COMMENT: Leave a comment sharing some ways that you will be “giving back” during the Christmas holidays this year.
2. NEWSLETTER SIGN-UP: Subscribe to my Email Newsletter – even if you already receive it, add an entry as a comment below!
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4. FACEBOOK: Follow Faithful Provisions and Saving Savvy Book on Facebook. Be sure to “like” this post!
5. SHARE: Click on the Facebook, Twitter, or Google Plus icon at the top of this post, or click on any of the methods below, to share this giveaway with your friends.
Giveaway ends NOVEMBER 28th, 2011, at 11:59 pm CST. The winner will be drawn using Random.org. Winner will be notified via email and the name posted on Faithful Provisions.
I would like to give $25 to the salvation army
We love the nasville rescue mission and are giving them this Christmas
I’m giving alot to the food bank this year.
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One of my favorite ways to give back during this time of year is to do the Operation Christmas Child boxes with my kids.
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I am giving two angel tree gifts in my Dad’s name…I would use extra funds to buy more gifts for my preschool kids that don’t have a lot
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I shared the post – would love if one of my friends wins
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I would love to give this book to a friend who just can’t get the hang of couponing yet. I know she and her family needs all the help saving they can get.
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We always do Operation Christmas Child and donate to the local Community Help Center.
Thanks, Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com
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Thanks, Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com
I will donate to our local food bank and give to Toys 4 Tots.
Follow Saving Savvy Book on twitter as: lemontart5
Thanks, Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com
I just became a foster mom to 8 children who have suffered terrible abuse. I want to give them a Christmas to remember!
We just finished a 1,707 item donation this month. I will continue to giveback to the less fortunate and help others as much as I can. I would love to give away your book to one of my faithful readers.
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Thanks, Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com
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(Tamara Bennington)
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I donate to the Angel Tree program each holiday season.
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I signed up for your newsletter. I plan to “adopt” an angel tree child.
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I will clean my cupboards & give anything we won’t use plus some new items I recently got with coupons to the local food pantry.
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From my stockpile I was able to donate 12 toothbrushes, 12 large toothpastes and 12 bars of soap for Christmas gift bags for children at an orphanage in Costa Rica.
I`ll donate to charities that help people directly like Second Harvest & Nashville Rescue Mission.
My husband unknowingly taught me a lesson a couple of weeks ago…..Some people are spiritually needy and we need to remember to give to them as well. That was a good lesson for me that day, hope it helps someone else today.
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We always load up our car with food to give to food banks every fall/winter from the deals i). SO fun, especially with how much I can give because of the
I am giving anonymously to a young girl that I know that does not have very much.
I am going to put $25 toward some items in the World Vision catalog, in lieu of making up a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child.
We packed shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child and we alway give to food bank and Salvation Army
I use items that I get on Black Friday at extra low prices and give them to my local community center. They help low income families get and give gifts at Christmas. I also use buy one get one free items and give the extra one to the food shelf. I live alone and often the second one , I never miss!
providing a Christmas celebration for children
My daughter and her Girl Scout Brownie troop have adopted a little girl their age who is currently in foster care. They are helping to complete her Christmas List as they give her Christmas gifts of things she would like to have.
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I will be giving a toy to toys for tot this season
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My son and I are going to volunteer at the Animal Shelter this Christmas.
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My girls and I will be making baskets for friends and neighbors!
My son adopted a dog from an animal shelter and his name is Bear.
I have a “granddog” named Bear that was adopted from an animal shelter and I am making him a coat for Christmas.
I make things to sell at the church Bazaar.
We have given to Lotte Moon, sent to shoeboxes overseas, and are helping a family with our Sunday School class. I am so thankful that God has blessed us and allowed us to be a blessing to others!
During the Christmas holidays this year, we will be giving back by financially supporting a missionary friend of ours. Also, we have already sent some Christmas shoeboxes to some missionary friends in El Salvador.
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We are giving to toys for tots and we are buying unusual items like a goat or a water buffalo for people in need out of the country
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Our family like to donate to a family in need.
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My family draws names and exchanges gifts at Christmas, this year my wish list is to have my “present” given to a local community charity.
We are donating through my daughter’s school to bring Bibles to children in other countries through the organization “Bearing Precious Seed”.
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I would like to give the $25 dollars to West LIberty Cares, Its a food pantry/clothing giveaway for people in our small community
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Every year we participate in the Angel Tree ministry that our church is apart of.
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We’re donating to the Salvation Army and to toys for tots.
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I was able to give more to the food bank this year due to getting good deals and couponing.
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This year I came up with an idea inspired by an articcle I read in the shop smart December issue called gifts that give back. The article hilighted some charites where you can either purchase products or give a donation in honor or memory of someone. I went to several of the websites mentioned in the article. I picked a charity for my two brothers and my sister as well as my mom and also in memory of my dad. I picked the charity which helped support something they care about for example my brother loves books and works at a library so I made a small donation to a charity that has a book mobile for children in an underpriviledged country and made a donation in his name. The charites that I donated to each provided me with cards saying a donation had been made in their honor and I will include the card instead of a to From label on one of their other gifts. I think I will do this every y year in honor of my brother’s sister, ,mom, and in memory of my dad.
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After watching Clark Howard today, I want to get involved in the Wounded Warrior Project, especially this Christmas
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We have filled an Operation Christmas Child shoe box. I will either be helping a needy family in the area or purchasing items for an “angel” off of the Salvation Army tree.
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We will be donating new toys to families in our community!
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I plan on giving back this Christmas season by donating a lot of my freebies and low cost items to Second Harvest food bank. I subscribe to your daily email newsletters.
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We will donate to a local food bank.
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I would like to give to the food bank. I will also be moving so I will be donating alot of items to Goodwill this season.
We’ll be donating to toys for tots and food bank.
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Jessie c.
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Jessie c.
We will be helping out with different needs in the community.
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Would love to win this package! I have been wanting this book since I started following your site.
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(one of my favorites, actually, b/c I always scan it to the bottom first to read the daily verse. Many times it seems to be exactly what I’ve needed to hear for the day.)
This year, we’re trying to help our kids focus on giving back this year. They’re both at the age where they really understand what it means to be as blessed as they are. They attend a school that has a large population of low-income families and we’ve talked about how there might even be children in their classroom that wake up Christmas morning without anything…how even just a pair of warm pajamas would be a welcome present. (I know there are some who go without food and only eat at the school)
So they have each been tasked with thinking up some good ideas for giving back to children in-need this holiday season. I would love to put the gift card to use and “add” to the money they’re able to spend to give back.
Hi Kelly, Thanks for all you share with us. We give to a local jail. We fill shoe boxes with socks, pencils, toothpaste, etc. so they can be remembered and not forgotten at Christmas. I also give some children Christmas presents whose parents are in jail because they can not get for them.
We gave food at Thanksgiving. I already subscribe to your website. Thank you again for all you do!
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i like to give back by donating food to a local organization thru my daughter’s school
I plan to participate in our church’s Giving Tree this year that provides gifts and necessities to our underprivileged families.
I do a food basket through Graceworks and adopt seniors from the CVS tree. Please remember there sre seniors out there that need help too!
I would donate toiletries and food to the local food pantry! tracietrump@yahoo.com
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My passion is to stop the Choking Game, I will give a helping hand to chokinggame.net
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thank you for the daily verse. it makes me take the time to say thank you in a prayer.
I will be participating in The Bridge Ministry in Nashville through the holiday! I’m going to have my college age children go with me this year.
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Every year we oversee an adopt a family program at our church. We always choose a family that has an amount of children the same or close to ours. This way each of our children has the chance to use money they have saved (for our youngest) or earned (for our older two) to help out someone less fortunate. It is such a blessing to see how excited my kids get about giving. Last year my older two even pooled their money from their part – time jobs and came up with a list of things they could provide for their two kids.
I want to give more to our church’s Childrens Ministry.
Love your newsletter so I already receive it.
I am an email subscriber follower on twitter/facebook and love your Saving Savvy Book! It has taught be so much and have since been able to cut my grocery/food budget in half! I would love to be able to pass these books along to other family members so that they too can save money and live generously! Thanks!
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I’m going to give back by donating items from my stockpile.
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By donating some of my stockpile.
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We are donating to Toys for Tots this year and my Sunday school class is sponsoring a family in need.
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I’ve been donating a lot of clothing and baby items recently. Also I like to send care packages to troops overseas because as an army wife, I especially appreciate the sacrifices being made by soldiers and families during the holidays.
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I am giving back this year at Christmas by donating food to our local food pantry. Every year about this time, I clean out my pantry and donate any food that we are not using and also add in any extra canned goods I have on hand.
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I’m late to the party! But let’s see: our family needs to find several ways to give this year. I have a fear that my children will grow up without understanding the joy in giving! So on top of giving to our church, we are going to give to a special missions offering at church for a Bible club in Africa. We would like to find some ways to give in our community too.
I LOVE that you’re doing this! Thanks for inspiring people to think of ways they can give this season and be a blessing as God has so richly blessed us!
Signed up for the newsletter! Can’t believe I hadn’t done that before now!
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We adopt a family at Christmas!
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We give gifts to angel tree.
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I will be helping with our annual local Christmas food box distribution providing for deserving families in our rural community.
Giving money to local backpack program instead of nic nack gifts to family and friends.
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I appreciate Faithful Provisions. I cannot tell you exactly what we are giving at Christmas because we make it a practice to try to be a helping hand all the time. We are dealing with some terminal friends right now. Praying that their families and them have a great Christmas.
Donate warm clothes
We just sent our close friends away to Colorado tonight because they couldn’t find any work here. They have four kids and we plan to continue to help support them (like we have the past several months) by helping them with Christmas gifts for their amazing family!
i’ll be giving back by donating gifts to a local women & children’s shelter.
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My family is buying lots of copies of the Contributor, Nashville’s homeless newspaper this holiday.
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i would love to give my wife this for Christmas
Our church growth group is discussing how we can help someone this holiday season. We are thinking of giving presents to children or a family in need. Our family also did 2 shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse.
We did 3 Christmas Child boxes and we give to our local food bank. $25 would be a great bonus. God Bless!
I subscribed to your news feed tonight! Looking forward to receiving it daily…
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I would like to use the gift card to give back to the community….food pantry, a dinner for the fire department, angel tree, etc. There are so many needs in our community!
I will be giving back by volunteering at the church in needed areas.
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I shared on twitter. – http://twitter.com/#!/joycemlinek/status/141015303919378432
I follow you on Facebook and have used a lot of your deals that you have posted
This holiday season, I have started collecting the tabs off cans to donate to the Ronald McDondald house. They use the tabs to cash in for money to help families that are staying in the Ronald McDonald house and also expenses 
ill be giving back by donating canned food!
i like both on FB steph sweeper
My church has adopted 14 children through DCFS to provide Christmas for and I have picked up several gifts for them.
My church has adopted 14 children through DCFS to provide Christmas for and I have picked up several gifts for them.
We donate to Toys for Tots.
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We donate to the local food pantry, Toys for Tots, and items for shoeboxes at church.
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Helping a friend put together Christmas boxes for kids in the community:) Thank you for this great giveaway!
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We will give to our local food drive.
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i like the bags at the grocery store that are filled with items local charities need and you buy it when you buy your groceries.
We like to give through our church because they have the best pulse on our urban community.
I have been able to give back by donating a lot of surplus food and personal supplies to our local food pantry.
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My family and I recently moved from FL to NJ My father in law remains in FL he has health issues and no longer works and his main outings are to church or Dr appts. I have been couponing for a few months now and I send him care packages of his fave things and even food for his dog justto help him out since he can’t drive and he doesn’t get out to the store (we have some other family members that live close that go shopping for him but don’t always get him things he really loves to have). I just want to be able to bless him he is still young(60yrs) but has been dealing with health issues for the last 15 years). Thank you so much for this giveaway it means alot!!!
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I just recently found your website and I’m enjoying looking through it. I did subscribe to get updates from your site. Thanks so much for offering this giveaway. I’m sure we’d all love to win. LOL
With times being what they are, and finances being limited for most families, I am encouraging my children to think about what they can get for others this year instead of what costly item they would like to receive for Christmas. They are saving their chore money to use for this purpose. Though they may get everyone a box of toothpaste or deodorant from the dollar store, it will be the thought that counts and will certainly be an experience for all. I would love to see other creative ways that other parents are using this financial crunch to reinforce generosity and selflessness with their own kids during this season.
I am volunteering at the Operation Christmas Child processing center to help pack shoe boxes that people have donated. I did this last year also and it is really a great way to help out and it’s an amazing time!
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I’m a new couponer in 2012. Been following on Facebook for several months.
I have donated can goods to a Thanks giving food drive. I plan to donate toys to the Toys for Tots drive.
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I will be giving back this year by helping the less fortunate with Stocking Stuffers. (Entry 11.28.11)
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I am donating food to our local community to help support families in need.
I will be ‘giving back’ at our church’s Christmas Shopping Mission Project this month by serving food, donating gifts and making desserts.
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Helping out a family that has a little one
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There are 4 members in my family so this year we have found a family of 4 in need to help. My son is 7 will be purchasing items for the 3 year old, my daughter 15, will be paying items for the 6 year old then me and my husband will be getting the rest. My family is very excited to be able to do this.
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I would like to win this giveaway so I can give the books to two of my friends for Christmas! I already have the book and love it!!!!
I know of a friend or two that would like to receive a copy of your book! (I’m interested too, of course!)
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Would love to give $25 to our church’s youth pastor and wife who are adopting siblings from Ethiopia
My family adopts a family for Xmas and we deliver Xmas baskets to shutins at our church
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We will be purchasing long sleeve t-shirts to donate and volunteering at a “Christmas Store”.
I am donating to the Dickson Humane Society this holiday season because I recently got a wonderful furry addition to my home from there and want to help make this Christmas warmer for other furry friends that haven’t found their forever home yet.
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Giving back by participating in Operation Christmas Child, Hope for the Holidays backpacks for foster care, and serving at a Christmas dinner for those that have no families to visit with.
Participating in a Christmas food drive for my daughter’s teachers.
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We plan to donate some toys
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Again, I would love to give this to my wife for Christmas!!
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I would love to give this to a dear friend who needs all the help saving she can get.
My husband & I plan to buy gifts for a Christmas tree child and to make a donation to our local food bank. They do a great job of feeding hot meals to anyone who needs one.
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I subscribe to the Faithful Provisions email newsletter and I love getting it everyday!! =)
I volunteer for at a local charity for unwed and/or addicted mothers and their children. Many of the girls are on public assistance and do not know how to create healthy meals. They get caught in a cycle of buying cheap packaged junk food devoid of nutrients. I teach cooking classes where I prepare wholesome, fresh, organic appetizers and snacks and entrees on a budget.
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This year, we have “adopted” two children (usually just one) for Adopt-A-Child program. We have doing this for years. My son use to ask me why can’t we bring him/her home? Now that he is 13 years old, he understands!
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Operation Christmas Child, donations to our local City Mission, and both of my kids classes are sponsoring children instead of exchanging gifts!
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We are giving our time to a shelter during this month in our hometown
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Always love giving to food banks/pantry
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Found that our local school has a gift program for needy families! giving to that this year. Thanks for the inspiration of giving ideas!
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Operation Christmas child… Nashville rescue mission, church charity
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I will be donating to the local food bank.
We will be giving through the Angel tree
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It’s important for us to do something as a family ie: drop off food to the food pantry, adopt a card from the local police station. This year might be to donate to the local food pantry.
as a family everyone pickes out a toy for toys for tots, we also have a angel tree at our church they pick off of these go to our local jail, for them to give ther children, with it the gift is a bible for kids, with the mesage of christmas. Thankd for the great give away.
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I would like to be able to help those less forturnate by learning to save more and teaching them. I would us the gift certificate to help those in the community that are in need.
I will be giving a couple of toys to our local mission for a toy drive.
I’m giving back by filling shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.
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