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Now is the time to snag some great deals on Valentine’s Day clearance items. I was just at Kroger today and saw that everything had been marked down to 50% off. I would say that this weekend it will go on down to 75% off. Check favorite stores and take a look at the Valentine’s Day items that have been marked down. Think outside the box for ways you can use them. Here are some ideas:
Operation Christmas Child — Of course, I’ve got OCC on the brain with my trip to Ecuador coming up in just a few days. Those clearance shelves are where you can really grab some fun things for the shoe boxes.
Easter basket ideas — There are some Valentine’s Day items that are generic enough for an Easter basket. After all, Easter is all about love, right? God’s love for us!
Stocking stuffers — Grab them and put them away now for Christmas. You will be so glad you did!
Gift baskets — Note cards, stickers, cute little stuffed toys that say, “I love you”–all perfect for a special gift.
Your pantry — My Kroger had put the smaller foil baking trays on sale with the Valentine’s Day clearance. Also, I found decorative cupcake liners, which can be used any time, as well as heart-shaped cookie cutters.
Next year’s Valentine’s Day — Shop now and get it for less. That is the essence of learning how to save money, so you can live generously!
Whether you are new to couponing or a veteran, you’ll find tips and tricks you can use for saving even more money in my new book, Saving Savvy. .
Walmart had Bliss chocolate marked down to $1.74 and it went nicely with the $1 off coupon I had from ALL YOU.