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If you’re taking advantage of tax free weekend, tips for shopping and making the most of these sales can really add up to great savings for you. I’m a planner, and I know that many people aren’t, but I really believe that if you plan well you can save so much more money. I’ve listed below ten tips for saving during tax free weekend that you might not have thought about, but by planning ahead, you are going to get rock bottom prices and end up saving lots of money.
1. Save on Christmas Gifts
Did you know that you can save on Christmas gifts during tax free weekend? By starting your Christmas shopping now, and pairing back to school sales with the additional tax free savings, you will get rock bottom prices on many big ticket items like laptops, monitors, printers, fax machines, and more. If you know computers and technology are going to be on a loved one’s Christmas list, get it now.
2. Save on Stocking Stuffers
Save on stocking stuffers. Now is the time for loading up on several great stocking stuffers too. Most kids love to get art supplies in their stockings, such as markers, crayons, and glitter pens. You will find the prices much higher on these items during the holiday shopping season.
3. Save on Giving
Save on giving when you remember that school supplies are greatly needed in Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Pencils, small notepads, erasers, pocket calculators, rulers, crayons, re-usable water bottles, summer t-shirts, and flip flops are all drastically reduced during tax free weekend. Think about how much further the money you have budgeted for giving will go!
4. Take an Inventory
Take an inventory of your home office, crafts closet, and kids art supplies (or your home school room). What do you have, and what’s missing? Impulse items abound and you’ll be tempted to make those impulsive purchases while you are waiting in line if you don’t already know what you have.
5. Know What Your Kids Need
Do you know what your kids need, clothing-wise? Starting with the oldest child, go through the closet, dresser, and shoe rack. Find out:
- What fits?
- What doesn’t fit?
- What needs to be mended?
- What can be passed down to the next child?
- What needs to be permanently retired?
Taking stock of what you have is essential to knowing what you need to purchase.
6. Make a list
Make a list. Many schools are already in session when tax free weekend rolls around. With schools beginning classes it seems earlier each year, often kids must return before the tax free weekend has happened. Don’t stress about this. Instead, make a list of what your children need, and get the more expensive items (like computers, new shoes, etc) on tax free weekend. (Communicate with your child’s teacher, and do your best to make do until you can finish up your shopping.) By making a list, you’ll be sure to know exactly what each child needs, so that you don’t have to make extra trips to the store.
7. Know What’s on Sale
Know what’s on sale. By reading the sales fliers, you’ll know which stores are offering extra discounts during the tax free weekend. Many stores will have specials just over that weekend. Be prepared and budget accordingly.
8. Check Your Store’s Coupon Policy
Check your store’s coupon policy. It’s possible that your store may go by different coupon policies during tax free weekend. It’s best to call ahead and ask before you plan your shopping trip.
9. Ask about Layaway Policies
Ask about layaway policies. Often, stores that offer layaway will allow your entire layaway to be purchased during tax free weekend. This gives you the extra savings plus allows you extra time to pay it off. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and find out what your store is willing to do.
10. Know the Dollar Limits
Know the dollar limits for your state. There are very strict guidelines on how much you can spend and still get the tax free discount, and these policies vary by state. It’s best to know before you set out just how much will qualify for tax free status. These dollar amounts not only vary by state, but they also vary according to what type of item you are purchasing. For example, footwear, technology, or school supplies.
:: Find 5 More Ways to Save Money During Tax Free Days HERE.
Do you have tips to share for saving money during Tax Free Weekend? What are some strategies you use?
When is Tax Free Weekend in your area? Find the state-by-state listing HERE.