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That is the $50 million question. I have heard so many tips on ways to keep the onion fumes from stinging my eyes, because I have nice watery tear ducts. I did finally find something that works, thanks to The Food Network!
A few tips to keep onions from stinging your eyes:
- Have a Sharp Knife: The sharper the knife, the less tearing on the flesh, which means less of the gases that make your eyes burn. Trust me on this one, I don’t need to get technical!
- Turn on an Open Flame: I have a gas stovetop and I cut the onion beside an open flame, and guess what? It actually works.
- Pop it in the Freezer: If you can stick it in the freezer for about 20 minutes that helps to prevent the gases from getting out so quickly.
- Do it Quickly: The quicker, the better!
How To Cut an Onion
Here are step by step instructions on how to easily dice onions.
Take a whole onion and cut it longwise, so you slice right through the roots at each end. Keeping the roots intact makes it easier to cut, because it stays intact.
Cut one root end off and remove outer skin.
Make 3-4 vertical cuts evenly from bottom to top. Do not cut through root, stop right before it.
Now cut about 4-5 horizontal slices, again not cutting through the root.
Lastly, make a perpendicular cut all the way across. Now, be sure to curve your nails under so you don’t get nicked!
What fabulous info! Onions have always been brutal on my eyes, thanks for sharing!
I might look ridiculous, but wearing goggles does the trick!
.-= Lauren´s last blog ..Our little friends =-.
i have also heard to hold the stick of an unlit match between your teeth and the sulfur in the match will absorb the onion gases before they make it to your eyes. it seems to work but it might just be in my head!
Thanks for the onion cutting tips. I seem to cut them differently every time… trying to find something that works! I have never had a problem with them bothering my eyes – I think that is because I wear contacts.
Beneficial information like this one end up being held and maintained therefore i may put this one on my personal bookmark list! Many thanks for this wonderful post and hoping to publish more of this!